Uncovering Christian graves from the Middle Ages

Uncovering Christian graves from the Middle Ages
Uncovering Christian graves from the Middle Ages
Archaeologists uncover an early Christian cemetery at Paderborn Cathedral, Germany.
Contunico © ZDF Studios GmbH, Mainz


NARRATOR: Paderborn Cathedral - hundreds of years ago, this was the site of St. Salvator's Church, built by Charlemagne. In July 2006, archaeologists uncovered several graves close to the cathedral. Dated from the early Middle Ages - probably from the 8th or early 9th centuries. The graves marked an important find.

SVEN SPIONG: "These are the earliest Christian graves we've found in the region so far. It's interesting that the region's first known church, St. Salvator's, built here in 777, was followed closely by its first Christian cemetery."

NARRATOR: Even though the church no longer exists, it's easy to tell that these are Christian graves. There are several signs.

SPIONG: "First of all, you notice that the bodies are aligned east-to-west with the head to the west and the eyes facing east, even if it's not a perfect alignment. Also, there are no burial gifts. These findings correspond to the early Christian burial rites."

NARRATOR: The body faces the east, because that was where Jesus was expected to rise when he was resurrected. A detailed examination of the bones reveals even more about the early Christians buried here. By examining the bones, researchers can tell if the deceased were suffering from an illness and approximately how old they were.

BABETTE WIEDMANN: "This skeleton shows minor signs of damage to the vertebrae. That indicates he was suffering from a few back problems, nothing too dramatic in this case. He also had a cavity in one of the teeth of his upper jaw. The skull, or more specifically the cranial sutures or joints, are often a good indication as to the age of a person when they died. The sutures here, for example, are still visible, although they're quite well developed. From that, I can put the age of this man as somewhere between 30 and 50 years old."

NARRATOR: Once the researchers have finished, the skeletons of these early Christians will be reinterred. The skeletons of Paderborn have revealed a great deal to researchers, especially about the spread of Christianity in the Middle Ages. Now, though, it's time to leave them in peace once more.