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'Diversity' and 'inclusion' are the emptiest words in corporate America. Here's what we really need to dismantle systemic racism in the office.

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Systemic racism is "nearly invisible," one researcher told us. Samantha Lee/Business Insider
  • US companies spend $8 billion annually on diversity and inclusion initiatives, yet research shows that they're actually more segregated now than they were 40 years ago.
  • Leaders are still failing to promote minorities to leadership positions, and they're lagging behind in having proactive discussions about race at work.
  • Nationwide protests in the wake of the killing of George Floyd have forced some executives to take a hard look at why their diversity-and-inclusion efforts have struggled.
  • Experts told Business Insider that a major reason D&I efforts are ineffective is that companies continue to invest in one-off trainings, instead of complementing them with company-wide diversity initiatives.
  • To dismantle systemic racism in the office, employers need to promote people of color internally, listen to stories about discrimination, and collect workforce data, among many other things.
  • Click here for more BI Prime stories.

About a week after the killing of George Floyd, LinkedIn's newly appointed CEO, Ryan Roslansky, held a virtual town-hall-style meeting with workers to discuss racial inequality in America.

What should have been a proactive discussion quickly turned into an airing of racist sentiments as anonymous comments popped up throughout the video meeting.

"As a non-minority, all this talk makes me feel like I am supposed to feel guilty of my skin color," one unidentified commenter wrote, the Daily Beast reported. "I feel like I should let someone less qualified fill my position. Is that ok? It appears that I am a prisoner of my birth. This is not what Martin Luther King Jr. would have wanted for anyone."

Roslansky called the comments "appalling" in a letter sent to staff the next day. He also acknowledged the social-media giant still had to do a lot of work "to create a culture that is truly anti-racist."


"By raising voices, democratizing access to learning and jobs, and tackling the systems of economic injustice, we can and will make meaningful change," he wrote. "For any of this to happen, we have to start with our culture and commit to working through hard things together."

Not directly mentioned in the letter, LinkedIn already has someone responsible for making its culture more inclusive.

Rosanna Durruthy has been the company's vice president of global diversity, inclusion, and belonging since 2017. She's become such a visible champion for change within LinkedIn that Business Insider named her one of the most influential executives fighting inequality in the corporate world. (LinkedIn and Durruthy declined to comment for this story.)

Companies have been relying on leaders like Durruthy to shoulder the responsibility of creating more inclusive cultures for years. The mounting pressure on corporate America to address inequality has led to a surge in leadership roles with the express mission of pushing those efforts. Postings for diversity-and-inclusion roles saw a 36% spike from 2016 to 2018, according to the jobs site Indeed. In 2019, according to Strategy+Business, 234 of the S&P 500 companies had diversity professionals, nearly two-thirds of whom had started their jobs within the past three years.


But as the events at LinkedIn and other prominent companies across the US indicate, corporate America's D&I strategy has failed to deliver on its name. As the news cycle has shown every single day this month, American business is neither diverse nor inclusive.

To understand why, Business Insider spoke with prominent scholars, reviewed research, and analyzed recent conversations with diversity leads at major companies, who are themselves often given an impossible task.

"Right now, all of the orchestration, the coming up with an idea, and the execution of the convening are falling on the shoulders of one diversity leader in the company," Stephanie J. Creary, an assistant professor of management at the Wharton School, told Business Insider.

"Honestly, that's why things fail," she said, "because one person cannot carry the load of deep inequities at work."


Billions to the wrong places

Companies treat D&I like a side hustle for which only the HR department is responsible, said Christy Glass, a sociologist at Utah State University who studies the factors that shape the careers of professionals of color.

She compared it to police reform.

"Police departments are treating incidences of police brutality as problems of bad apples as opposed to a systemic problem of policing," Glass said. "Companies are doing the same thing."

Of course the struggle to diversify the workplace isn't new.


Fortune 500 companies spend an estimated $16 billion a year into hiring overall. Inclusion trainings have been around for more than 50 years. A still widely reported 2003 figure put the annual spend on diversity efforts at $8 billion.

Yet those investments are likely going into the wrong places. Like, say, the unconscious-bias seminars that have become a fixture of corporate life, though the data says they have mixed results.

"I don't necessarily think that that money is being spent on diversity-and-inclusion initiatives," Villanova University management professor Quinetta Roberson, a highly cited researcher, said. "It's being spent on stand-alone training and workshops. It's difficult to think how a one-hour training would be able to create meaningful change. It has to be much more systemic."

Matters of diversity and inclusion have acquired heightened urgency following George Floyd's death, as America's reckoning with racism has reverberated from the public square into professional life.


And despite any number of diversity awards and best-of lists, the majority of the corporate US workforce is still thoroughly white.

In a 2018 analysis of decades of employment data, Harvard and Stanford researchers found that private-sector companies were more segregated now than they were 40 years ago. The gap is glaring in the C-suite, with the number of Black Fortune 500 CEOs countable on one hand, and none of them women.

Even companies that have received recognitions for their diversity efforts report low percentages of Black employees and other people of color, Inc. reported. For example, career-site Comparably has ranked some of the tech giants as the most diverse companies in the US. Yet, as of last year, Black employees made up only about 4% each of Google, Microsoft, and Facebook's workforce. LinkedIn reported 3.5%.

Unseen, and overlooked, barriers

The research shows that diversity in management leads to profits and productivity.


Yet if a Black or nonwhite employee does land a leadership role, they are often held to a higher standard than their white colleagues — or forced to behave like them.

In one study, Glass and her research partner, Alison Cook, also of Utah State, analyzed 15 years of CEO transitions within the Fortune 500. They found that white women and people of color were more likely to be promoted to CEO of weakly performing companies, and then, if weak performance continued, they'd be more likely to be replaced by white men.

They found a parallel pattern in NCAA men's basketball: Losing teams were more likely to give a chance to a Black head coach, and then more likely to replace them with a white coach if things didn't go well.

For a study published in May, Glass and Cook did 32 in-depth interviews with white women and people of color who had made it to the executive class within large companies. The researchers found that these minoritized professionals had to do "performative contortions" to follow the unwritten rule book of these elite management settings, hiding their physical presence, like a tall Black male executive who made sure to get to meetings early so that he could greet colleagues while seated and thus not intimidate them.


They also paid extra attention to their voices, like the first-generation Latina exec who scrutinized every word in speeches she made to de-emphasize her accent.

"If you sound different," the researchers quote her as saying, "you're less intelligent."

These are not things a daylong seminar can address.

Toward systemic change

Business Insider has reviewed executives' recent statements about D&I. We analyzed 27 CEO memos following Floyd's death and, separately, we solicited action plans from CEOs from 24 companies about how they were addressing diversity and equality. Key trends included enabling self-education, creating spaces for open dialogues, making donations, setting and holding to goals, and trying to address bias in hiring.


As elsewhere in business, it's largely a matter of turning plans and data into action.

Consider Salesforce, which consistently places high on Fortune's list of best workplaces for diversity. Tony Prophet, the software company's chief equality officer, told Business Insider that team leaders were given a scorecard every 30 days to track how often they promote and hire women and underrepresented minorities.

A third of the 45,000-person global workforce is female. Yet Salesforce is still lacking Black and Latinx representation (3% and 4% of the workforce, respectively). And within fiscal 2019, half the company's 12,320 hires were women or underrepresented minorities. The company has also publicly shared annual updates on diversity since 2014; you can read the latest here.

When Business Insider inquired for this story, Salesforce said, among other things, that it recently set a company goal of having half the US workforce made up of underrepresented groups — "Women, Black, Latinx, Indigenous, Multiracial, LGBTQ+, People with Disabilities, and Veterans" — by 2023.


Companies need to audit all the systems they have in place, including recruitment, team structure, promotion, and human capital, Creary and Roberson both said. They should identify how these pipelines disadvantage minority employees, and then make sure real-world progress is tracked. For meaningful change, accountability systems need to be put in place to facilitate and monitor progress, Roberson added, and it needs to involve metrics beyond headcounts and leaders other than just the chief diversity or HR officer.

The invisible ways racism holds back progress

The experts we spoke with agreed that the more challenging work that companies must begin is rooting out systemic racism, which Utah State's Glass said is "nearly invisible." It's often hard for companies to identify it in their daily practices. But there are steps employers can proactively take to change the culture. Creating those open spaces for dialogue is helpful, as is surveying employees to see how they're feeling.

Besides diversifying decision-making bodies like boards and executive teams, employers need to use these employees and their ideas to help make the company better. "It is not important to just have members of specific groups represented, but to use their talents and capabilities to enhance the work of the organization," Roberson said.

Employers often think they're hiring the most qualified candidate, but it's not exclusively the case. Often, hiring managers pick candidates who remind them of themselves. Even merit-based systems exhibit bias. More often than not, the employee who gets the job or promotion has someone advocating for them in backroom conversations with leadership. Black and minority employees are less likely to have these advocates.


Employers also have to rethink the types of work they view as valuable. While white colleagues are given "high-visibility" assignments that have a lot of importance attached, Black colleagues are often given work that is seen as less vital to the business, Creary said.

For example, Black workers may be tasked with attending diversity fairs or speaking on panels about inclusion. But they're often not given credit for this work when it comes time for promotions, she said. That's the bind many Black employees are in, Creary said.

"There's this work that needs to be done about justice and equity that I'm not getting rewarded for, but at the same time it needs to be done," she said.

It's parallel to the "invisible wall" that keeps women from breaking into the CEO chair. The Wall Street Journal has reported on how women may make it into the C-suite, but it's rarely in the core business functions that lead to profit and loss, like operations or sales, which produce the most chief executives. It's a cruel irony: Black professionals are often funneled into D&I work itself, which may place a ceiling on their careers.


Hopefully, Creary said, diversity and inclusion will become consistent priorities — not just a call that is heard with the ebb and flow of the news cycle.

Allana Akhtar contributed reporting.

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