Don't Watch Alone: These 19 Spanish Horror Movies Will Haunt Your Dreams

    Cine de miedo.

    Whether we're talking about Japanese ghost stories, Italian zombies, or Canadian slashers, international horror films are always a must on any horror fan's movie list. As someone who watches horror movies weekly, I must say that Spanish horror movies are slept on the most. They are intelligent, well-crafted, and, most importantly, terrifying as hell.

    A shadowy, horned creature stands ominously in a misty forest, with large glowing eyes, amidst towering trees. No visible humans or text in the scene

    Here are 21 Spanish horror movies to haunt your Halloween season:

    1. REC

    A close-up of a frightened woman with wet hair, dimly lit, appears to be in a dark, confined space. She looks up with wide eyes

    2. Cuando acecha la maldad (When Evil Lurks)

    Actor in a scene with a bloodied hand on their forehead, eyes closed, expressing pain or distress

    3. Aterrados (Terrified)

    An older man with gray hair, in a tense scene from a movie or TV show, closely faces a person with a distorted face of a boy

    4. Verónica

    Young boy with curly hair and glasses inside a bathtub, looking towards a patterned shower curtain as an arm reaches for him

    5. Hermana Muerte (Sister Death)

    A woman dressed as a nun with a white habit looks upward with a concerned expression in an arched hallway. Another person is seated in the background

    6. El orfanato (The Orphanage)

    Child in a hallway wearing a creepy mask and old-fashioned clothing

    7. Mientras duermes (Sleep Tight)

    Man looks at the camera in a tense scene with police officers and other people in the background

    8. El laberinto del fauno (Pan's Labyrinth)

    A mysterious creature with long black claws and pale, wrinkled skin sits at a wooden table next to a red goblet

    9. Cronos (1993)

    A man from a TV or movie scene sports a chilling smile as his face is bloodied, implying a dramatic or intense moment in the storyline

    10. El espinazo del diablo (The Devil's Backbone)

    A pale, ghostly child stands inside an old building, viewed through an open arched door, while a man in the foreground looks on from the outside

    11. Los ojos de Julia (Julia's Eyes)

    A woman, with wet hair and a blindfold, appears distressed in a dimly lit room

    12. Voces (Don't Listen)

    Thermal camera display showing a person emitting heat, indicated by different thermal colors, with a temperature reading of 25.7°C. No recognizable individuals

    13. El hoyo (The Platform)

    A person eating food messily with their hands directly from a container

    14. Cerdita (Piggy)

    A person with headphones on appears to be deep in thought, possibly a scene from a movie or TV show. Several objects hang in the background

    15. Vuelven (Tigers Are Not Afraid)

    A person with long hair and a coat stands at an open gate, looking out at a bright field in the distance

    16. La Llorona (2019)

    A haunting scene with a woman underwater, her long hair floating around her face, captured in an eerie, captivating moment

    17. La piel que habito (The Skin I Live In)

    Antonio Banderas points a gun in a tense scene, dressed in a suit and tie

    18. El día de la bestia (The Day of the Beast)

    A close-up of a scared man with blood and injuries on his face, wearing a hat, from a scene in a movie or TV show. No other persons or notable text visible

    19. Los otros (The Others)

    Nicole Kidman with a concerned expression, wearing a vintage-style outfit, stands against a dark background

    I'm sure I missed some, and if I missed your favorite Spanish horror film, comment below!

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