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A Jeep with a crocheted cover on the spare tire is parked in a lot. A yellow Tacoma Dodge dealership plate is attached to the spare tire cover

2. 外に出かけるときは、必ず大量の肉を持っていきます

Open cooler on a kitchen counter filled with various meats, cheese slices, and a wrapped baguette. Peaches and newspapers are in the background

3. iPadの上で食材を切っちゃうし…

Partially eaten cake topped with sliced almonds and frosting, placed on a blue cutting board on a kitchen counter

4. 愛犬にお小遣いをあげすぎちゃうし…

A small dog is playfully surrounded by numerous 100 dollar bills scattered on a couch

5. 家畜のニワトリのために、セーターを編んじゃうし…

A person holds a chicken dressed in a knit Santa hat and beard costume outdoors on a sunny day, with trees and a field in the background

6. アインシュタインのセクシーポスターを家に飾っているんですよ?

Painting of a muscular, shirtless older man with gray hair and a mustache, posing with a tattoo on his arm, surrounded by kitchen canisters

7. 賞味期限が「1965年7月1日」の塩を持っているし…

A canister of Shur Fine iodized salt with a red and yellow label is shown. The canister appears aged with some signs of wear and expiration date visible at the bottom

8. 「複雑だから」っていう理由で、テレビのリモコンを改造しちゃうし…

TV remote control with handwritten labels on pink tape for buttons like ON/OFF and PBS: 522, held in someone's hand, suggesting customization for ease of use

9. でもね…でもね…

A crochet wall hanging featuring Chewbacca from Star Wars, carefully detailed with a blaster in hand

10. Apple Watchをプレゼントしたけど、今も40年間愛用していた腕時計で時間を確認しているし…

An elderly person's hands are seen on a table, one hand wearing a smartwatch and a bracelet, a white takeout container, a mug, and food containers are nearby

11. 私の誕生日には、ネコと一緒に祝ってくれるし…

A cat named Dennis wears a festive hat with flowers and a green collar, holding a sign that says "Happy Birthday Dennis" in a home setting

12. そんなおばあちゃんが大好きなんです

誕生日カードの中には「Happy Birthday with Love」と書かれており、キーリングに「Don't Do Stupid Shit Love, Grandma」と彫られています。

