22 Americans Shared Their Very Honest Thoughts After Watching Trump And Biden Debate, And Basically Nobody Liked What They Saw Last Night

    "Truly don’t know who to vote for. I wish we could just start over with two new candidates."

    Well, last night, President Joe Biden and former president Donald Trump, a convicted felon, took to the debate stage for the first time in the 2024 election cycle, and it was certainly hard to watch (to put it mildly).

    Donald Trump and Joe Biden stand at podiums on stage during a CNN Presidential Debate

    I was curious if the debate changed anyone's minds, so I asked members of the BuzzFeed Community to share their thoughts after watching...whatever that was. Here's what people had to say:

    Note: Some submissions have been edited for length and clarity.

    1. "I’m still voting for Biden, but I really don’t want to. This is by far the most embarrassing presidential election this country has ever had."

    Joe Biden speaking at a CNN event, standing at a podium, wearing a dark suit, white shirt, and blue tie

    2. "This country is in trouble. We have no good choices anymore. A choice between a declining senior citizen who should be retired and living that kind of life and a narcissistic, lying, unhinged sociopath speaks volumes. It speaks to how dysfunctional and fear-based politics are, how divided and polarized we are. How self-serving politicians are."

    "The rest of the world is either laughing or crying over the future of the free world, which the US, at the end of the day, controls the fate of. It was easy to choose even up to the last election, but now the waters are so murky because it's not just about today and next January; it's about four years of one of two men who are unknown quantities. And it's also whatever they manage to create or put in place that continues beyond their terms. And finally, it's also Congress because what one man can or cannot do can largely be impacted by what form of Congress he has to deal with."


    3. "Both were embarrassing to watch. This doesn't change my vote, but our political system is a joke."


    4. "I have said this before, and I will say it again. As important as it is to have a charismatic president, what really matters is who he brings into his cabinet. We all know that Biden surrounds himself with smart people who actually care about the future direction of the country. Trump brings yes-men and sycophants who are all out to rake in as much money as they can before the world explodes. Personally, Biden could be propped up in a corner with a drool cup, and he is STILL the better candidate. Not the best ever, but better than Trump."

    Donald Trump stands in front of a "CNN President" sign, wearing a suit with a red tie, at a televised event

    5. "I just watched it for a few minutes, and it was like watching that old movie Grumpy Old Men from the '90s. Not voting for either of them."


    6. "I thought we at least had a chance with Biden, even though it would be an uphill battle. Now? Not so much. We’re doomed, guys. Ugh. I feel like giving up and just accepting it as the reality. 🤷🏾‍♀️"

    "I only hope there’s enough hatred for Trump that votes are cast just to be against him. I’m not seeing it, though.

    I think Black voters are not gonna turn out this time either. I’ll vote, but I worry it’s hopeless, myself. And the Black men who have jumped ship for Trump are just so disturbing to me as a person of color."


    7. "Still voting for Biden. He already had a speech impediment all his life. Never voting for Trump. Anyone who makes fun of how someone talks with a speech impediment or disability, karma will come to you."

    Joe Biden stands behind a podium at a CNN event, wearing a dark suit and blue tie, with CNN logos and stage lighting in the background

    8. "It’s crazy to me that anyone could look at Trump’s constant lies last night and say he outperformed Biden. I’ll take Biden’s sometimes incoherent elder rambling over Trump’s complete fabrications any day of the week. Biden is incompetent, but Trump is dangerous. I view my vote as a vote for Biden’s team, as he will listen to counsel. Trump will just do whatever he wants, as always, treating America (and the world) as his personal kingdom."

    "He thinks the American people are stupid, and the worst case scenario is us proving him correct…again. Please do not vote for third-party candidates. This is something we should continue to fight for, but not enough people will be willing to do that come November. Every single vote for Biden is critical in preventing hate and chaos from prevailing. It's okay to hate our two-party system and think these two choices suck — they do! But please think hard before using your vote in this critical election to try to make that point. Consider pushing hard, educating people, and campaigning for third-party candidates in 2028 when you may have support and the stakes are not so high."


    9. "Biden has never been known for being a strong orator, and generally, yes, he can struggle to get his message across. But he is unequivocally intelligent and capable; he has clear, solid policies and is backed by a competent party. He is a good, honorable man who has suffered more tragedy than any one person should experience in their lifetime."

    "For everyone calling him a corpse or making degrading comments about him, this is a human being, a kind man who has given his entire life to politics; how much empathy do you need to lack to speak of someone in such a way?"


    10. "It will be physically painful because HOW are these the only options, but I will vote for Biden because I despise Trump and everything he represents. One of the CNN people after the debate said it best: 'We have a choice between someone who probably shouldn’t be president, and someone who CANNOT be president.'"

    Donald Trump gestures during a CNN interview in front of a blue background. He wears a dark suit, white shirt, and red tie

    11. "Both were so bad. Truly don’t know who to vote for. I wish we could just start over with two new candidates. Neither should be able to run for president for completely different reasons."


    12. "I hate one and loathe the other."


    13. "Don’t love Biden, but the debate didn’t change my mind 'cause he has some sound domestic policies, and Trump would be a hell of a lot worse for so many reasons: trash women’s rights/access to abortion/birth control, LGBTQIA+ rights, immigration, Trump’s views on Palestine (said he would deport those who protest against Israel’s genocide), his racism/xenophobia (toward people from Latin America, Muslims, and Black people who he uses as a political tool)."

    Television screens display Joe Biden and Donald Trump in a CNN presidential debate as people watch from tables in a dimly lit restaurant or bar

    14. "Biden is still old and decent. Trump is still old and evil. It’s not a fun choice, but it’s an easy one."


    15. "The only way I would vote for Trump is if someone had a gun to my son's head. I would vote for a reanimated Gerald Ford over Trump."


    16. "I’m still voting for Biden, but it reinforces what I already believed: Our system is broken, corrupt, and needs change. We need term limits for all offices. We need accountability for elected officials' financial situations during and after holding office. We definitely need an upper age limit for elected positions. The United States is a mess."

    Joe Biden looks down while wearing a dark suit, white shirt, and blue tie with a small American flag pin on his lapel

    17. "Did not change my mind whatsoever. Only reaffirmed they are both unfit for office."


    18. "As long as Joe has a pulse, he’s got my vote. He is eminently competent. His opponent is not. I frankly don’t care that he’s old and acts like it. His administration is full of bright and energetic public servants who believe in the government's capacity to do good and whom Joe trusts to do their jobs."

    "His opponent is a moron, surrounded by bigger morons and wicked ne'er-do-wells. Joe is not perfect, and neither is his party. But he is the most decent man to have held the office in my lifetime. His opponent is the worst by a mile."


    19. "I probably already knew this, but while nobody was ever going to win that debacle (and nobody did), there was a clear loser. The people of the United States."

    Donald Trump participates in a CNN-hosted event, standing at a podium and gesturing while speaking

    20. "The Democratic Party needs to intervene with Joe Biden and ask him not to run. They need to find a replacement fast, and I think that very well may happen. Joe Biden is actually not a bad president, but he is old, and it’s clear his faculties are slipping."


    21. "I was a huge Biden supporter until tonight! How the Democrats could allow him to debate blows my mind! After watching him struggle to answer questions and lose his train of thought, it became obvious that he isn’t up to the job of president of the US! He was truthful and was able to make some stronger points later in the debate, but he’s simply not up to the job."

    "On the other hand, Donald Trump was his usual obnoxious self, lying through the entire debate! He actually refused to answer some questions that were uncomfortable for him! I would never vote for that immoral, lying felon!

    The Democrats need to quickly come up with another presidential candidate!"


    22. And finally, "Biden didn’t have a great night, but I would still vote for his corpse vs. Trump."

    Joe Biden speaking at an event, dressed in a suit and tie

    Did you watch the debate last night? Tell us what you thought about it in the comments below!
