Members of the partnership pose for a photo during the Chesapeake Bay Program's January, 2018 Executive Council meeting. (Will Parson/Chesapeake Bay Program)

Partnerships form the foundation of the Bay Program. They achieve better environmental results and save time and money because they:

  • Bring together expertise, authority and resources from a broad range of organizations
  • Encourage involvement among many stakeholders
  • Promote a more complete understanding of Bay issues
  • Consolidate and coordinate the efforts of many groups
  • Allow organizations to complement and learn from each other while avoiding duplication

The Bay Program partnership includes:

  • 19 federal agencies
  • Nearly 40 state agencies and programs in Delaware, Maryland, New York, Pennsylvania, Virginia, West Virginia and the District of Columbia
  • Approximately 1,800 local governments, represented through the Local Government Advisory Committee
  • More than 20 academic institutions, represented through the Scientific and Technical Advisory Committee
  • More than 60 non-governmental organizations, including businesses, nonprofits and advocacy groups

The following organizations are all part of the Chesapeake Bay Program partnership. To find individuals involved with the partnership's work, search our Partnership Directory.

Principal Partners

Federal Agency Partners

Headwater State Partners

Academic Partners

Non-governmental Organizations

Local Government

Local and Regional Partners

Other Partners
