S. Darko Trailer And Website Online

I guess the marketing machine for S. Darko has opened up. Last week we saw cover art for the direct-to-DVD sequel. This week the official website for the movie has gone live, with an official trailer to make you go - huh?

Watching the trailer, it’s almost like the creators of S. Darko didn’t get Donnie Darko any more than the rest of us did. The difference is, the rest of us didn’t try to follow it up with a second movie. It looks like it’s relying on the big moments of the first movie (the countdown until “the end of the world,” the wormy tube things leading us around, and, yes, a Bunny figure) but with a different story. What that story is, exactly, is impossible to tell from this short look, but if it’s Darko, it’s bound to be confusing.

To be honest, the trailer almost makes me want to see this, just to see if it’s going to wind up the disaster I’m expecting it to be. Who knows, maybe there’s potential in this after all, but I doubt it. Sometimes movies just shouldn’t have sequels.

Watch the trailer below or watch it in higher-res over on the official S. Darko website.

Thanks to Filmstalker for pointing this one out to us. Yeah... thanks a lot.