Mike Judge Sniffs Jason Batemen For His New Comedy

Jason Bateman in a suit, speaking to someone on Arrested Development
(Image credit: Fox)

Miramax has hired Mike Judge to write and direct yet another brilliant comedy which no one will ever see. At least that seems to be the way of things with Judge, whose last two movies Office Space and Idiocracy were screwed over by the studio, only to find cult stardom later on DVD. This time though he’s working with Miramax instead of Fox, so maybe there’s hope that he’ll be treated better.

The movie is called Extracted and it stars Jason Bateman as the owner of a flower extract plant owner. I’m not entirely sure what that is, but I think it’s some one who creates the scents that end up in perfumes or in those tiny little essential oils bottles women insist on buying at Whole Foods. Right? Ladies, help me out on this one. I’m usually much too busy buying overpriced organic red meat to bother with that aisle.

It’s a strange thing to wrap a movie around, but HR indicates that’s exactly what Judge is doing. They describe the project as the story of Bateman’s character dealing with workplace problems, bad luck, and a cheating wife.

The last noteworthy movie to tackle the helter skelter world of scents was Perfume, an insane Victorian-era serial killer movie which almost certainly bears absolutely no resemblance to what Judge is up to… but which you really should rent. It’s unlike anything else you’re likely to watch.

Josh Tyler