ShoWest Exclusive: Comedies Are The Next Big Thing In 3D

movie theaters

By now you’ve all heard that Hollywood believes 3D is the future of the industry, and if it’s the future, at some point they’re going to have to start convincing people they want to watch something besides action movies in 3D. Because till now, that’s all it’s really been used for. The format has been used exclusively for action movies and animated movies where things leap out of the screen at you and lasers shoot over the heads of the people in front of you. But that’s about to change.

Cinema Blend’s own Katey Rich caught up with RealD exec Michael Lewis in Vegas and talked to him about their future plans for the 3D format. Lewis revealed that RealD will be used on an upcoming, already announced comedy. This won’t be an adventure comedy like Land of the Lost mind you, but probably a straight up comedy, something more like I Love You, Man or Knocked Up.

It’s a first for the format. Will audiences still flock to 3D when it’s not used on action movies? Is there any point to it? I say there is. If you’ve seen any of RealD’s newest 3D films, it’s more than just an action gimmick. It’s also a way of drawing you into the screen and making you feel more a part of what’s going on. That works just as well on a comedy as it does on anything else. It’ll be interesting to see whether audiences respond.

Josh Tyler