Slumdog Wins WGA, Will Soon Turn Water Into Wine

Dev Patel and Frieda Pinto in Slumdog Millionaire.
(Image credit: Pathé Distribution)

The Writers Guild of America, also known as the WGA, was among the organizations handing out their annual awards over the weekend. The WGA covers a wide range of different entertainment genres, they hand out awards in everything from television to radio and video games. They only have three awards though, dedicated to film. I bet you can guess who they went to.

Yep, this year’s messiah, Slumdog Millionaire won another one. The movie was given the WGA award for Best Adapted Screenplay. Original Screenplay went to Milk, but if you’ve been paying attention to the way this year’s batch of awards have been going then you know they’d probably have given Slumdog too, if there had been a way to qualify it for both Adapted and Original, or for that matter Best Documentary, which went to the much ballyhooed Waltz with Bashir.

It’s somewhat ironic that a movie which everyone characterizes as an underdog film has become an awards juggernaut. It’s the clear cut favorite for Oscar’s Best Picture, heck it’s more than the favorite, it’s almost predestination. Sorry Milk, you have no shot. Hand over another statue to Slumdog Millionaire.

Josh Tyler