news:blended 5.30 - 6.05

Taylor Lautner shirtless as Jacob in New Moon
(Image credit: Summit Entertainment)

Too busy to read our news section every day? Not hipster enough to follow our Twitter feed? On a mobile device so can't afford to watch our glamorous editor Katey on her vidcasts? Welcome to your one stop solution to all your movie news at Cinema Blend, news:blended, the weekly reimagining of the last seven days in stories and editorials.

I've decided to tweak the format by introducing a couple of new features, I want to develop this column further as the weeks and months go on, but this is your lot for now so as always, feel free to enjoy, or not...


Scott quickly peeks at the Friday box office before returning to the garden

Josh is obviously going soft in his old age, with the staff mostly having saturday off to spend with their friends and families. Crack that whip Josh, people should be in their dens writing movie news, not out in the sun socialising!!!


Trailer for New Moon released. Tween girls faint.

Bruno gets up close and personal with Eminem

Twilight trailer hit the web and anyone who isn't a franchise geek probably had the same urgh/meh reaction I did.

At the MTV awards, Bruno attempted a little alternative male bonding with Eminem. Predictably it didn't go down to well with the pint-sized rapper.


SNL to fail miserably again at turning sketch in to a feature

Hasbro aren't the only ones to make 120 minute toy commercials

SNL has made about one good movie out of it's sketches for every... well every other one they've ever done, so with the fad for big screen parody adaptations of old 70s and 80s TV shows already behind us, is there really any room for turning a MacGuyver parody sketch in to a MacGuyver parody movie? SNL and WWE, two companies that should never be allowed near a film set.

Transformers, Bratz, it was only a matter of time before a true synergy of toy and movie came along and Mattel's new monster line may just be it. Instead of making a movie out of a highly popular toy line, Mattel now wants to make a movie to promote a new toy line they want to be highly popular. Oh and it'll be a musical too because, y'know...


Armstong movie stretches studio credibility

Wall Street 2 might not suck

The movie out of toys theme continues in to Tuesday with Brian Grazer announcing that it's no joke, a movie adaptation of Stretch Armstong is going ahead. Prepare for a bad comedy featuring Mr Fantastic. Probably played by Vin Diesel.

With or without Spanish uber-star Javier Bardem being cast as the villian of the piece, it has to be said that there is a strong chance that if Stone can get to grips with the material and get it out before everyone has jobs again, another trip with Gordon Gekko might not be as awful as it would have been 3 years ago.


Zombie-vampire-baby trailer give Katey the ickies

Is James Cameron remaking Aliens?

One of the hits of Sundance is sure to have the pro-lifer's up in arms on it's eventual release, Grace appears to be the story of a stillborn baby who mysteriously comes back to life and develops a taste for blood rather than the usual milk alternative. I'm willing to give it a shot but I can completely understand why this subject-matter may be beyond some people's stomach.

Getting information about Avatar is about as easy as getting Dick Cheney to admit that waterboarding is torture, but in a generous movie, images of what is described as a "heavy loader" were revealed at E3. Now is it just me or has Jim not already done the heavy loader thing back in '86 with Aliens. With so little known about Avatar the mind boggles.


Kill Bill's Carradine dead at 72

Woman waits 2 years to sue Bruno for disabling her?

Cult hero David Carradine was found dead in bizarre circumstances in Bankok on friday during filming of his latest movie. Every other outlet going is playing the speculation game over whether it's suicide or a sex game gone wrong. Lets just drop the ghoulish blank-filling and mourn the loss of a great actor.

Never let it be said that common sense can come in the way of litigation. A woman is now suing Sascha Baron-Cohen for apparently disabling her 2 years ago during filming of Bruno. Isn't it funny how all these movie lawsuits only ever arrive in line with publicity or money-making and never at the point of incident.


Boners are okay say the MPAA

If it's remade, we can kill it

Braving the frontier that is typing the word “penis” in to Google, Josh bravely went forth to investigate the shocking revelation that at the end of The Hangover one of the cast is shown in graphic detail getting the Dyson treatment from an old lady. Is everything as it seems? Did the MPAA fall asleep that morning? Read to find out the truth.

With more news that Kurt 'Ultraviolet' Wimmer is set to take the reigns of an undoubtedly awful Total Recall remake, it's been revealed Robert Rodriguez isn't interested in a remake or a newfangled “reboot sequel” for his upcoming Predators, he wants a genuine sequel and he wants the genuine Arnold Schwarzenegger to reprise his role of Dutch, not some creepy CGI version. Say it with me people, “Get to da choppaaaah!”


My Life In Ruins

Away We Go

Land of the Lost

The Hangover

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And that's all for the all-new upgraded version of news:blended. Hope you like the additions as wecontinue evolving without losing sight of what we want the article to be. Any comments, criticism or flame wars are welcome at the comments section below or feel free to drop me an email with your suggestions. Until next time...