Watch A Tiny Bit Of The Logan Trailer Right Now

Hugh Jackman as Wolverine

Hugh Jackman's time as Wolverine is drawing to a close. After 16 years in the role of Marvel's mighty mutant, Logan will (allegedly) be the actor's last feature wearing the Wolverine claws, and he looks to be going out with a loose adaptation of a popular storyline Old Man Logan. A full trailer is expected to drop on Thursday, but before then, Jackman had this to share.

In his animalistic Logan whisper, Hugh Jackman states:

Nature made me a freak. Man made me a weapon. And God made it last too long.

And that pretty much sums up the mythology of Wolverine, in a thumbnail sketch. Born a mutant, with bone claws that retract from his hands, the loner Logan enrolled in the Weapon X program, where government lackeys coated his skeleton (and his claws) in unbreakable adamantium, turning him into an indestructible force. But what is it like to endure all of that pain and anguish, yet with a healing factor that allegedly will keep you alive forever? That's the hook of the end of that statement, and I think will be a driving force keeping Logan interesting.

Logan will reunite Hugh Jackman with The Wolverine director James Mangold, and it's the duo's hope to finally deliver the quintessential Wolverine drama... though so much of what we know about Logan remains a mystery. I'm actually starting to believe that this superhero drama will be presented in black-and-white, as every piece of marketing material save for this poster has been devoid of color, lending to the washed out atmosphere of the post-apocalyptic world in which we think the story will take place.

Logan poster

We'll find out a lot more when the full Logan trailer drops tomorrow. In the meantime, we can tell you for certain that it co-stars Patrick Stewart as Wolverine's longtime mentor -- and the only man who has given him temporary mental peace -- Charles Xavier. We "think" that the story will extend along the timeline set up in X-Men: Apocalypse, as Jean Grey (Sophie Turner) says she have Wolverine back a piece of his memory when they crossed paths. Though, the X-Men cinematic timeline is nothing if not convoluted, so we might be very wrong. Along those lines, we believe that Mr. Sinister could have a part in the movie, but we also think that Donald Pierce (Boyd Holbrook) and the Reavers could make things difficult for Wolverine.

Logan opens in theaters on March 3, 2017. Look for the full trailer on the site tomorrow.

Sean O'Connell
Managing Editor

Sean O’Connell is a journalist and CinemaBlend’s Managing Editor. Having been with the site since 2011, Sean interviewed myriad directors, actors and producers, and created ReelBlend, which he proudly cohosts with Jake Hamilton and Kevin McCarthy. And he's the author of RELEASE THE SNYDER CUT, the Spider-Man history book WITH GREAT POWER, and an upcoming book about Bruce Willis.