The Predator: Rate And Discuss With Spoilers

The Predator soldiers lined up to explain themselves in a hotel room

After some interesting spin-offs, a couple decently regarded sequels, and a pretty massive last-minute PR crisis, The Predator is now in theaters for everyone to behold! Co-writer / director Shane Black's return to the Predator series is a pretty big deal, and with Thursday night's advance take, it looks like it's going to be the biggest deal of the weekend. So naturally, we want to see what you, the fans, thought of this long-awaited sequel. Behold, our latest Rate and Discuss is now open for business!

We've certainly experienced a variety of reactions to The Predator on our staff, and you can read what our folks had to say about the film before you move on. However, our official review represented the film with the following statement:

The Predator still isn't able to quite recapture whatever magic in a bottle the original film created, but it is able to make for an entertaining enough sequel.

Of course, we're not here to discuss the thoughts of the critics, but rather the thoughts of you, the audience. And those thoughts will begin with the discussion questions we've provided below, in the interest of encouraging a dialogue about what we've all just seen with The Predator. With that in mind, keep the following queries in mind as you parce out your thoughts, and don't be afraid to provide the answers to these questions with your other thoughts at the end of this feature.

How do you rank this film in the Predator canon?Do you feel The Predator was worth the wait between installments involving Shane Black?While watching The Predator, did it feel like a smoothly finished product, or do you feel that it was easy to spot where edits and reshoots took place?Are you interested enough in what was cut (i.e. Edward James Olmos's 35 -45 minutes worth of character) to see an extended cut of The Predator?How disappointed are you that the Predator Killer armor was the big reveal, rather than Dutch waiting to kick some more Predator ass?Did the controversy surrounding The Predator make it harder for you to enjoy the film?

What good are discussion questions for a film like The Predator if they're not accompanied with a star rating? While we can always discuss the merits of such a concept at another time, we're still keenly interested to see how you'd rate this movie, on a traditional scale of 0 to 5. Using the poll below, log your rating for The Predator, and as usual, feel free to share your rational for the rating, and any other comments you may have, in your comment at the end.

This poll is no longer available.

Last, but not least, before we send you off anticipating our Rate and Discuss return for next week's The House With A Clock In Its Walls, we'd like to give you some further reading to enjoy while you savor those last moments of The Predator dominating your cinematic thoughts. First, we've got members of the cast talking about which Predator films are essential viewing in order to truly enjoy The Predator. Also, there's some video of director Shane Black directly addressing and apologizing for the unfortunate circumstances that have clouded The Predator's release as of late. Finally, if you were curious about what Edward James Olmos's role in The Predator would have been, were he not excised from the final cut, those details are available. Thanks again for reading our latest Rate and Discuss feature, and if you're curious as to what our next installment will cover, you may want to turn back time a couple minutes to find out. Just saying.

Mike Reyes
Senior Movies Contributor

Mike Reyes is the Senior Movie Contributor at CinemaBlend, though that title’s more of a guideline really. Passionate about entertainment since grade school, the movies have always held a special place in his life, which explains his current occupation. Mike graduated from Drew University with a Bachelor’s Degree in Political Science, but swore off of running for public office a long time ago. Mike's expertise ranges from James Bond to everything Alita, making for a brilliantly eclectic resume. He fights for the user.