Alita: Battle Angel's Latest Billboard Plug For The Re-Release Is Here, But That's Just The Beginning

Alita: Battle Angel Alita's in her Motorball armor, with her war face on

Next weekend, a good number of movie theaters are about to welcome director Robert Rodriguez’s Alita: Battle Angel back onto their screens. Fans of the Alita Army, through their perseverance and their dedicated social media campaigns, helped make this moment happen, and now they’re primed to take their efforts to another level.

The first step obviously comes with their most recent billboard, which was crowdfunded to almost three times the original goal needed to get off the ground. But with that additional funding, and the re-release looming ever nearer, some added bells and whistles have come to town. Take a look at the billboard, in its current home, below:

While the image is not quite clear, you can see the digital billboard designed to prop up Alita: Battle Angel’s big return displayed proudly on Twitter. Positioned in Orlando, Florida, near an AMC Theatres location and the Walt Disney World Resort, this reminder is now operating to draw fans old and new to the big homecoming Alita has earned through her tireless fandom. However, the other two promises of that particular round of funding Alita: Battle Angel awareness have also been fulfilled. On the more charitable side of things, that donation to Feeding America went through, just as promised. Fitting in with the usual methods of promoting this cult favorite 2019 film, but doing some good in the process, the donation came out to $1,050 being given in the name of feeding the less fortunate.

Which leads us to the other big result of this marketing marvel for the Alita: Battle Angel re-release. The folks at the Alita Army actually got ahold of a fan’s re-cut trailer for the film, and with their permission, did a little bit of retooling to turn it into the YouTube ad that they promised to turn into a paid ad to make even more noise surrounding the movie’s return to theaters. Check it out for yourself below, as it’s quite a sight to see:

The billboard is up, the YouTube ad is paid for and Feeding America just got a nice new donation to help those in need. It’s another wonderful chapter in the Alita Army’s march towards making its play at getting an Alita: Battle Angel sequel into the world. But it’s not the end. In fact, there’s a new Twitter campaign coming tomorrow morning. At 7 AM EST, fans are encouraged to tweet a special hashtag to boost the signal on next weekend’s big event. The details of that event are shown in the following tweet from one of the Alita Army admins:

Alita: Battle Angel fans, the stage is set for another triumphant moment on social media. Get your tweets ready, schedule them for your local time zone’s deadline and let’s get people to go watch Alita! But if you’re not feeling safe enough to venture out to the theaters, that doesn’t mean you can’t support the cause. Rent or purchase Alita: Battle Angel through physical or digital retailers, and don’t forget that you can enjoy the film on cable through Cinemax, or on streaming through the Max Go platform. Don’t stand by in the presence of such an opportunity!

Mike Reyes
Senior Movies Contributor

Mike Reyes is the Senior Movie Contributor at CinemaBlend, though that title’s more of a guideline really. Passionate about entertainment since grade school, the movies have always held a special place in his life, which explains his current occupation. Mike graduated from Drew University with a Bachelor’s Degree in Political Science, but swore off of running for public office a long time ago. Mike's expertise ranges from James Bond to everything Alita, making for a brilliantly eclectic resume. He fights for the user.