Smallville Reaction: Sacrifice

Chloe discovers Tess in Watchtower and in a moment which is very unlike Tess, she is tricked into thinking the gun she found is empty. Watchtower goes into lockdown and Tess and Chloe are locked in together. Sounds like we are going to focus on Chloe again: snooze-fest. Who locked down Watchtower? Checkmate, of course! We see some nice gore as Chloe tries to cut out a robotic parasite implanted into Tess by by Checkmate.

Tess and Chloe have a very touching speech about where they went wrong in life. It seemed odd and forced, but I guess they wanted to develop a bond between these characters. Chloe is a genius, but come on! One little tank of liquid nitrogen will freeze a solid steel door enough to bust through it with a wooden table (so wrong)? Even though this show is based after an alien with super powers, this whole lockdown sequence was very awkward and lame.

Clark shows Theora Jor-El's notes wherin she learns that Zod destroyed Krypton. Then, Clark learns that Zod knocked up Theora and tells her she carries the future of Krypton. Zod carved a Z into Ollie's chest, because Zod's kind of like super-Zorro.

When Agent Campbell was closing in on Tess, Waller tried to redirect him to the hunt for the Kandorians, but Campbell wanted his revenge on Tess. Campbell was then kind of forgotten through the rest of the episode. Theora gets kidnapped and the Kandorians are being black-bagged when Clark kicks the Checkmate agents around and frees them. Chloe "kills" Tess to shut down the parasite. It's okay, though. Chloe then reluctantly restarts her heart, like in Flatliners; wonder if she saw a kid in a red hoodie?

Waller gets slammed off a windshield by Zod like a butterfly on the freeway and we finally get to see a Zod/Clark standoff-- Wait, never mind. Zod gives another speech about being a huge douche. Domestic abuse? check. Baby killing? check. Zod really has crossed the line from being misguided to being evil, and a douche.

Zod goes crazy and destroys Checkmate, then gives another speech and lies to his soldiers about Theoras' killer. Clark tries to get the Kandorians against Zod by telling them Theora's killer is Zod. The Kandorians decide to stay with Zod and try to take over the Earth. Zod then flies off with the rest of the Kandorians as a final "screw you" to Clark. Better start flapping, Clark.