TV Recap: Big Brother 8 - Week 9 Veto

My how the tables have turned in the Big Brother house. Zach’s week as Head of Household could result in the end of the LNC 3.0 alliance. Tonight we saw the aftermath of Zach’s nominations as well as the Veto competition and ceremony. We also got to witness Dick flinging cereal at Eric’s head, Eric putting his foot in his mouth and Daniele once again, berating her father over something he said.

Naturally, Jameka and Jessica weren’t happy about being nominated. Though Zach said his nominating Jessica wasn’t meant to be payback for Jessica putting him on the block the week before. Jessica wasn’t buying it and obviously she expressed some regret over how things went down last week. It was Eric, after all, who pressured her to make the moves she made during her HoH week. If Jessica was feeling bad, Eric was feeling even worse, sharing his remorse for screwing up Jessica’s game during a tearful Diary Room session.

The filler for the episode included Eric doing his America’s Player task by mimicking Dick. Eric seemed to have a blast performing this task and Dick enjoyed it just as much. At one point, Dick started flinging cereal at Eric while Eric mimicked the gesture, flinging the contents of his bowl to towards the empty seat next to him.

Jessica told a story about how, at some Girl Scout event, she was asked what she wanted to be when she grew up and she said she’d like to be the first female President of the United States or a waitress. Everyone laughed, but when Dick repeated the story, exchanging the word “waitress” with “stripper,” Daniele was offended. As she’s a waitress, she didn’t appreciate Dick equating her profession with stripping. To be honest, Dick’s comment seemed harmless and in no way a personal attack on his daughter but once again, Daniele used this as an opportunity to complain to her father about the things he says. Granted, Dick is regularly rude so I cant totally fault the girl for coming down on him but sometimes she just seems way too sensitive.

Big Brother 6 and BB: All Stars star, Janelle guest starred in the episode to host the Veto competition. Before she revealed herself to the houseguests, who were waiting outside for the competition to begin, the houseguests noticed a large photo of Janelle on the competition set-up. Eric made a rude comment about Janelle looking like Miss Piggy, not realizing that the former BB houseguest was hiding behind the set. Talk about embarrassing. Janelle was all smiles and giggles throughout the competition but when it was over, as he hugged Dick good-bye, she made a little comment about how Eric’s comment wasn’t appreciated.

The Veto competition was a different variation of the mashed-up memory-wall photo competitions that we’ve seen in previous seasons. The houseguests took turns spinning in a chair and then they had to run up to the “Janellevision” to view swirling images. Each swirling image featured half of two houseguests faces and the houseguests had to figure out which two faces they were looking at. Daniele did the best, with 7 correct answers, beating Zach by one point.

She and her father took some time to discuss how to proceed in terms of using the Veto or not and whether or not they should abandon their alliance with Eric and Jessica. Using the Veto would mean putting her dad at risk of being nominated. Daniele wisely chose to leave the nominations as they were.

While Eric is convinced that Jessica is safe and that Dick and Daniele will vote to evict Jameka, things are definitely not set in stone. Dick and Daniele both realize that this could be the only time to get Jessica out and as Jameka cant play for HoH on Thursday, she might be worth keeping around for another week. Little do they realize that there’s a double-eviction coming up.

Assistant Managing Editor

Kelly joined CinemaBlend as a freelance TV news writer in 2006 and went on to serve as the site’s TV Editor before moving over to other roles on the site. At present, she’s an Assistant Managing Editor who spends much of her time brainstorming and editing feature content on the site. She an expert in all things Harry Potter, books from a variety of genres (sci-fi, mystery, horror, YA, drama, romance -- anything with a great story and interesting characters.), watching Big Brother, frequently rewatching The Office, listening to Taylor Swift, and playing The Sims.