At Dakota, We Have Been On A Mission

Our mission is to help other people get what they want out of life.

At A Glance

Dakota is committed to making the life of an investment sales person easier.

$35+ billion

raised on behalf of our investment partners

4,000+ customers

relying on Dakota Marketplace

70+ team members

dedicated to serving our customers

On a Greater Scale

Dakota is a group of extraordinary people who try and do extraordinary things every day while playing at the highest level of professionalism in their domain.

We believe being extremely hard charging, but with kindness, creates an environment where our teammates can serve, take risks, and delight our customers.

We believe work should be fun and enjoyable and you should be able to do it with nice people who treat one another well.

We all spend more time at the office than with our families or friends, which is why Dakota is so committed to our teammates and our work environment.

Our Core Values

Since our founding in 2006, we have established what we call Dakota-isms. These are our core principles that define how we operate at Dakota.

Sell Apples To Apple Buyers

Be A Master Messenger

Have a Killer Follow Up System

Focus On What You Can Control

Walk The 8 Feet

Don't Go Cowboy


Turn Your Brain Off

Never Say "Great Meeting"

Throw Your Hat Over The Wall

Have Fun

Sell Apples To Apple Buyers

This means selling to people who want what you sell. In the simplest way of putting it, don't sell apples to people who want oranges. Sell apples to people who want to buy apples.

Be A Master Messenger

This means knowing how to bring your firm’s story to life. You never want to spend an hour with someone and have them leave without having a clue what you do. Bring your story to life with passion and your prospects will feel it too.

Have a Killer Follow Up System

Good sales people can get a lot of meetings. They can even tell a great story. However, the follow-up that comes after those meetings is really the mark of a great salesperson. Having a killer follow up system means having an organized plan for following up with your prospects, and never leaving anything to chance.

Focus On What You Can Control

There are a lot of things going on that we as sales people can’t control: the state of the market, the weather, the outcome of your favorite team’s most recent game. These can get in the way of your day to day, but the goal is to focus on what you can control: setting meetings, diligently following up, and becoming a master messenger.

Walk The 8 Feet

This originated back in 2006, in our original office, where everyone was relatively close together — roughly eight feet apart. Walking the 8 feet means tapping into the collective knowledge of the team. Never be afraid to get up and ask questions.

Don't Go Cowboy

At Dakota, we work as a team. In a sales parlance, this means always touching base on what everyone is working on. Don’t keep opportunities to yourself — share them with the team. By not sharing what you’re doing, you’ll never know who might have key experience needed to help you through this opportunity. Put everything on the table, and share information. Don’t go off on your own.


If you’re in a sales role, your primary mission is to ask for something from your prospects. Getting in the habit of asking for a meeting, call, or follow up, the better you will get at it. After all, if you don’t ask, the answer will always be no.

Turn Your Brain Off

We’re all guilty of overthinking. There’s always a reason not to do something. The goal is to stop getting analysis paralysis, turn your brain off, and just do it.

Never Say "Great Meeting"

At Dakota, we never say “great meeting.” No meeting was truly great unless you left with a $10 million allocation. Instead, we like to focus on what worked, what didn’t, and what the prospect’s interests are so that you can move forward.

Throw Your Hat Over The Wall

Sometimes the most important thing is just to get started. This means forcing yourself into action by throwing your hat over the wall. To get the metaphorical hat, you have to climb the wall and get it. Overcome the obstacles in front of you and just do it.

Have Fun

Have Fun!

See How Dakota Can Help You

Mask Group 401-1

This platform is the database our Investment Sales team uses on a daily basis. It’s a database that’s complete, accurate, and updated daily across institutional and intermediary channels in the US and globally.


The Dakota Marketplace for Salesforce App updates your Salesforce in real time with updates and additions from Dakota Marketplace. Other Dakota integrations include Hubspot, Dynamo, Altvia, and Backstop.


As the first job board dedicated to the investment management industry, Dakota Talent aims to connect firms with the top talented candidates.


We understand the challenges of crafting engaging videos that stay relevant and captivate your audience. Our studio team at Dakota Studios is adept at unveiling the essence of your story and presenting it in a way that resonates.


Attend our world class networking events in cities across the country and globally. Grow your network with investment industry professionals at some of the most exclusive and unique venues!


Since 2006, we’ve been a boutique fundraising firm for world-class investment managers. If you are an investment manager looking to hire a third party marketing firm – we would love to speak with you!
