Paris Blog: Bertie’s CupCakery- June Update!


(Written by The Girl, here’s a link to her last update!)

Hi everyone! It’s that time again for an update from Bertie’s CupCakery. I meant to give another update before now, but things at the shop have been super busy and, well, better late than never!


First and foremost I do want to extend a huge thank you again to all DC Rainmaker readers who have stopped by the shop! You guys are the best! It is always so great to put faces to commenters on the blog. Believe it or not I do read all of Ray’s posts (well I kinda skim the “in-depth reviews”) and I always enjoy reading the comments, so a lot of the time I do “know” who you are! It’s also amazing how many of you who have not traveled to Paris but steered friends, family, and co-workers to my shop instead! I really do appreciate all of you, for such a small business every cupcake really counts! So thanks again, and I hope to see you in the shop again soon!

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What’s New

The shop is growing in popularity and visibility! We have recently been accepted onto Trip Advisor and our reviewers have been very excited about our cupcakes!

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It is very humbling to have so many customers take the time to go to Trip Advisor to leave positive feedback. Often we think of people only leaving comments when they have a beef with a location, so we must be doing something right!


We have also been featured on two more blogs. I always enjoy reading what others have to say about the shop, and even more so seeing what they took pictures of! I am constantly changing little things in the shop, so I like seeing if my newest decorations are noticed! Here are both links to the blogs, feel free to check them out for some cupcake eye candy. Carly Fuller Photography and Bon Parisien. If you have seen any other posts floating around the web about Bertie’s please forward along the link! Unless the author lets me know directly, I never know about these posts!

Here’s me, working on some of my redecorating!

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We were super stoked to grab a cameo on the latest HGTV’s House Hunters! We were welcomed the following morning of the showing with your screen shots and photos of your TV’s, and congratulations for the appearance! Unfortunately we didn’t get to see it (being over here and all) soooo if anyone has the video clip or something I would love to see it! It’s funny to look at the below photo, and then the one a bit later on in this post to see how much decorating we’ve done since then!


We have recently welcomed two new employees to the team, and they are fantastic. We have a new sales gal who is a Parisian with family ties to Texas! I couldn’t have asked for a better teammate! I like to think of her as being ambidextrous with her Parisian and Americana customer service. So if you come by the shop and don’t recognize the girl behind the counter don’t be afraid to talk to her in French or English, she’ll take care of you. Also new to the mix is another baker. You probably won’t get the chance to meet her at the shop, but likely you might see her running on the streets of Paris! She too is a very active runner and triathlete, a fast one to boot!

We’re still looking for both bakers and sellers to be able to handle the demand for longer hours and more cupcakes, so if you know anyone interested – feel free to drop us a note!

Lastly, we have expanded! Just like we waited forever for approval for installation for our exterior signs application, we also had to apply for outside seating at the cupcakery! Now we are happily providing outside seating for you to enjoy your cupcakes and refreshments! Bon Appétit!


Cakes and Cupcakes

Since a lot of you are long time readers of DCR, you already know my passion for cake creations. However this isn’t readily known amongst the Paris population, and I am doing my best to get the word out. So I thought you might be interested in seeing a snippet of what’s new in cake creations from Bertie’s kitchen. Remember if you are traveling to Paris for a special occasion and would like to celebrate with a cake or custom cupcakes all you need to do is ask!

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Cupcake flavors are slowly evolving. The thing is people really seem to like what we have and they aren’t looking for a change! We are happy to say that we have permanently installed Strawberry Lemonade into the cupcake family as this is one of our daily top sellers, and one of my favorites to boot!


Also our Oreo Cookie cupcake is a new family member as well.


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This flavor is a big hit with the North American and UK customers, but the rest of the world seems to give it a questioning raised eyebrow before moving their gaze back to the ever popular Salted Caramel and Nutella Banana!


The big news is however, I have finally convinced my Health and Safety consultant that Cream Cheese icing is not a bad thing! See here in Paris, Philadelphia Cream Cheese is a relatively new product and not widely understood, much like cupcakes. So I had to do some in-depth food science homework on fresh cheese and keeping it “shelf stable”, in other words, prove to the health and safety controllers that I could create a cream cheese icing that wouldn’t make people sick after displayed at room temperature for a few hours! So I am happy to say that I am working on my recipe and getting it ready for the lab (read: Ray’s stomach)! I will be very happy to have a certificate that allows me to safely sell cream cheese icing. Interestingly, here it’s simply referred to as “Philadelphia”, if you say “cream cheese”, most won’t know what you are talking about. Meaning, Red Velvet and Carrot Cake cupcakes are in the near future! Woohoo!

Free CupCakes!

Since I love saying thank you to all of the people who make Bertie’s CupCakery a success, we have recently started our loyalty program! Every time you buy a cupcake you get a cupcake stamp, and once you have 11 stamps your 12th cupcake is on us!


That’s about it from here in the kitchen! Thanks again to all of your support, and I look forward to seeing you in the shop someday!

Bertie’s CupCakery!

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P.S. Totally unrelated to cupcakes! If there are any Parisians reading, I’m looking for weekly Squash or Badminton partner! I used to play competitively in Canada and would love to get back at it! Otherwise, I’m also looking for a co-ed or women’s soccer league, but I imagine it’s a little tougher to break into that crowd. Any thoughts, suggestions, or interest you can e-mail me at



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  1. Hubert

    Great post! I read it just after a strong painful workout and now I am starving for a great recovery cake :). And I have only the image, better not imagine the great smell.
    Must be really difficult to stay lean in front of such a lot of tasty cakes…

  2. Kev

    I love that travel/suitcase cake, very detailed. Well done

  3. I had a good breakfast at home, opened your blog at work – life is all about priorities, n’est-ce pas? – just to become very hungry again… I really should go to Paris this summer.

    Also on the experimenting front: you should give it a try on how long you can keep your Philadelphia unrefridgerated untill Ray’s stomach turns against him. All in the name of science and the cup cakery of course.

  4. Amedeo

    oh, the Italian flag on the cake! GREAT!

    hat and whip on that cake are referring to indiana jones?

    When I’ll come to Paris, I’ll be a your customer for sure! I love sweets!

    p.s.: which are differences between your two blog?
    link to and link to
    I could think the first one is pre-Paris blog (with no more post) while the second one is not a blog but a “shop”: is it true?

    • Hi Amedeo-

      Berties Bakery is The Girl’s site/personal blog primarily prior to moving to Paris. Because in Paris ‘Bakery’ has a very specific meaning that we didn’t want to get confused with, we went with CupCakery.


  5. Iain

    Mmmmm…hungry just reading this… the cupcakes look delicious! Congrats on the success!

  6. sean

    Great, now I feel like making cupcakes.

  7. Stu

    That’s awesome the store is doing so well. I’ve been telling all my friends and colleagues to go for me until I get a chance to get back to paris.

  8. Jyrki Puttonen

    If I ever get to go to Paris, I’m so here. In fact, I should add this into my “Why I should go to Paris” -list!

  9. Christian

    I am a total DCR lurker/triathlete/gadget geek from Miami for years now but no more. I must leave a comment I have always been so amazed at what you have done over there in Paris. I tell my wife all the time that on our next trip to Paris we are stopping by the shop. She loves the story of the Parisian move, it is her dream since we were engaged and even honeymooned in Loire valley. Keep up the great job and I look forward to a tasting one (or a bakers dozen) one of these days. Congrats the story is so inspiring.

  10. Katie S.

    Loved the update, Bertie! Makes me want to take a trip to Paris to try out your cupcakes =) Keep up the fantastic work, and good luck with the ‘Philadelphia’ frosting permit – carrot cake cupcakes are my favorite!

  11. Timster

    After reading this I have one question:
    When will your cupcakes be available in Paris, TX?

  12. Feel hungry in midnight!
    Looks delicious!

  13. Sven

    Today at 12:45h I was at the door:

    Sign says: Open daily 11-18:30 (or sold out).

    SOLD OUT AT 12:45h ???

  14. af5ive

    The cupcakes are delicious! I am glad that the Strawberry Lemonade is going to stay on the menu it was my favorite. When I got my 12 cupcakes a few weeks ago they had a long (rough) trip back to the Arc before we ate them. Some of the flavors got a little mixed up, but they were still so good.

  15. Casey

    I am just impressed “the Girl” can pull off a track stand with a beautiful plant on the back rack. I bet she held that position for a minute or two.

  16. @Hu3ain

    Glad the CupCakery has found a home in Paris. This beautiful city, and a salted caramel cupcake, will be enjoyed in November.

  17. Tim K

    I haven’t had a chance to eat one of your cupcakes – I’ve suggested Ray offer some as give aways – but usually when I get a cupcake at a shop, the icing is good but the cake part is terrible. Or at least compared to the “Black bottom cupcakes” my mom used to make. Devils food, but with a cream cheese/chocolate chip glob of goodness in the middle of the cake part. Mmmmmmm…. And best when they’re straight out of the freezer. I never much cared what the icing was. Now that you can do cream cheese…….

  18. Monica

    Your cakes are beautifully decorated! And the cupcakes all look very yummy! So happy for you that your business is doing well in Paris!!

  19. Sofie

    Passed by the cupcakery in end of april this year during a congress in Paris.

    Sought my way on google street maps and had no problem at all in finding it… unbelievably close to the Notre Dame.
    Never was a real cupcake lover, but as a reader of ray’s blog I really wanted to see what all the cupcake-talk was about… After trying some of your cupcakes, my feelings for cupcakes definitely have changed! They are unbelievable !!!!!!
    Brought some colleagues and all of them were completely surprised with the taste of your bakings! Not like any cupcake in Belgium we know!

  20. Ooh la la how I wish I could pop in for a strawberry lemonade cupcake! If I ever get to Paris, you can bet your shop will be first on my list!

  21. Angela

    We will be in Paris in September .the CupCakery is on our list of must dos. See you then.

  22. Maria

    Congrats!! Hope to visit one day

  23. Emlyn Simpson

    That Oreo cupcake makes me want to make a 24 hour flight.

  24. Matthieu In Taipei

    Great Stuffs,
    It’s 10.19 am, I am starving in office. probably the best time to look at all these nice cupcakes design.
    looking at all these pictures, it’s surely looks delicious,
    i am so hungry that i want to know more . it’a a little hard to imagine the texture, the softness, and the taste of those precious eatable jewerly. probably it’s even better that every reader imagine the taste in their own eyes . however i would really like to see what is inside, and discover the beauty of the cake if you dig into it with a spoon, a bite, or just a knife.
    cupcakes most of time looks beautiful and delicious from the outside, but how about the inside, is there also more suprises to come ?

    again, great stuffs. you guys are really intense !
    Kudos !


  25. Myrna Gonzalez Childress

    Great post. I’d missed hearing about the cupcakery.

  26. Scott Cowan

    I’ve been meaning to pay Paris a visit. I’ll be sure to drop by and say hello. Maybe even in the next month

  27. David

    Loved the post, the pics, those cupakes and those brilliant cakes! Well done! Congratulations and best of luck with the business!

  28. David Dentry

    Oreo Cookie cupcake!

    Damn them for stopping Concorde service to de Gaulle!

  29. Alice

    Wonderful news for all the cupcake lovers! ;)
    I do understand, though, how ‘Oreo’ and ‘gourmet’ (cupcakes) in the same description must raise a few eyebrows in France (the ingredients of the popular cookie do leave a lot to be desired for that association :))
    Your newest cake creations are just beautiful, thanks for sharing!

  30. Brandon garner

    For both of you, it is awesome you have followed your dreams and understand hard work is behind everything. A great example for other people to follow!

  31. Nolen

    Have you tried Cake Pops with the Parisian crowd yet?

  32. andreas

    Really great!

    So there’s now another reason (despite the obvious…) to come to Paris! Here in Germany Cupcakes are not really popular… we habe just arrived the Muffin and Donuts level… so I must confess that I never had a cupcake in my life… so sad. Nutella Banana, wow must be like heaven…
    But maybe I can arrange it to come to Paris on my way back from southern France coming August… and my son will absolutely die for the Oreo cakes…
    Hope to see you soon! All the best for yo and your shop,

    Andreas from Hamburg

  33. kab

    I love to be able to live vicariously between the two of you. I love Ray’s travels and his expertise on electronics. I am an avid baker and sit in awe at your work in the bakery. You both inspire me to get up an meet my exercise goals. I tell everyone about this blog. I love it. You guys are fantastic. Keep up the great posts!!

  34. Rick Kreuser

    Hey Ray, Bertie,

    Stopped by on Saturday to check out the setup…awesome shop! It’s within a block and a half of every known human, ever. :) Me and the kids chatted with the New Jersey and Texas girls for a bit, they’re awesome. And the Strawberry Lemonade / Sea Salt Caramel were absolutely phenomenal.

    Might get back in before we head out on Friday, but if not, thanks for the amazing cupcakes, and as always Ray, the awesome insight. Hope you enjoyed riding around a Spanish island. :)

    Rick Kreuser, with kids, Detroit. :)

  35. Irene

    After my visa renewal appointment Friday morning at the Préfecture, I know I will need to drop by for another cupcake.

  36. Bobby Phillips

    Hello i am a bike racer from Baltimore ,Md and my wife and i and another friend will be in Paris July 13 with the Trek Bike vip tour. On my one of my e-mails Jon from va told me about you guys. I am a 14 time national champion and would be so nice to meet you guys. Can you get back to me. Thanks,Bobby

  37. Hello to both of you :)
    Cool post, you’re doing insanely great cupcakes!!

    I’m commenting about the squash request: I’m a French reader living in Paris and I try to play at least once a week. I’m pretty sure I can’t compete (I started playing 2 years ago after a few years of tennis) but if you don’t mind I’ll be happy to play with you!
    I usually go to Aquaboulevard, but maybe you know other places.


  38. Roger Dennis

    the cupecakes were great, the riding in Paris was cool if a bit scary. Love the Bois de Vincennes park, the castle is so middle ages..kudos to dc and bertie!!!

  39. Liz

    I’ll be in Paris this summer, definitely stopping by for a cupcake!! xo