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Data Protection Policy

When the European Labour Authority processes your personal data

The European Labour Authority (ELA), like other EU institutions, bodies, agencies and offices (EU institutions), may process your personal data (also known as personal information) for a number of reasons, from dealing with public requests for information, staff matters, visitor information to the handling of complaints, to name but a few.

All EU institutions, including ELA, are obliged to comply with the data protection law: Regulation (EU) 2018/1725, specifically applicable to them.

In this section of our website, you will find information on:

  • how ELA processes personal data,
  • your rights when ELA processes your personal data and
  • our data-protectionatela [dot] europa [dot] eu (Data Protection Officer (DPO)) contact information
  • Register of the European Labour Auhority

Your rights when we process your personal data

When your personal information is processed by ELA (or any EU institution), you have the right to know about it.

You have the right to access the information and have it rectified without undue delay if it is inaccurate or incomplete.

Under certain conditions, you have the right to ask that we delete your personal data or restrict its use. Where applicable, you have the right to object to our processing of your personal data, on grounds relating to your particular situation, at any time, and the right to data portability. We will consider your request, take a decision and communicate it to you without undue delay and in any event within one month of receipt of the request. That period may be extended by two further months where necessary.

You can request that we communicate, as possible, any changes to your personal data to other parties to whom your data have been disclosed.

You have also the right not to be subject to automated decisions (made solely by machines) affecting you, as defined by law.

You have, in any case, the right to have recourse to the EDPS as a supervisory authority.

You rights on your personal data are stated in Articles 17 to 24 of Regulation (EU) 2018/1725.

Please note that we will review your requests and grant your rights provided that certain conditions are met. Please note that in some cases restrictions may apply under Article 25 of Regulation (EU) 2018/1725 and Decision No 20/2022 of 24 November 2022 of the Management Board on internal rules concerning restrictions of certain data subject rights in relation to the processing of personal data in the framework of activities carried out by the European Labour Authority.

How to exercise your data protection rights at ELA

Data protection is a fundamental right, protected not only by national legislation, but also by European Union law. At the European Labour Authority, we are responsible for the personal data that we collect and process. If ELA is processing your personal data and you would like to exercise your data protection rights, please send us a written enquiry.

In principle, we cannot accept verbal enquiries (telephone or face-to-face) as we may not be able to deal with your request immediately without first analyzing it and reliably identifying you.

You can send your request to ELA by post in a sealed envelope or data-protectionatela [dot] europa [dot] eu (contact our Data Protection Officer) by email. 

Your request should contain a detailed, accurate description of the personal data you want access to. 

Where there are reasonable doubts regarding your identity, you might be asked to provide a copy of an identification document as a means to authenticate your identity. Should you provide a copy of your ID card or passport or any other document, personal details such as your name and address should be visible. Data such as photo and personal characteristics can be blacked out on the copy.

Our use of the information on your identification document is strictly limited: we will only use the data to verify your identity and will not store them for longer than needed for this purpose.

For more information on your rights, please check our Guidance: Your data protection rights at ELA.

ELA Data Protection Officer contact information

European Labour Authority Data Protection Officer Contact Information

Laura Nuñez Barez
Landererova 12,
811 09 Bratislava I
Email: data-protectionatela [dot] europa [dot] eu (data-protection[at]ela[dot]europa[dot]eu)


European Data Protection Supervisor

Rue Wiertz 60
B-1047 Brussels
Tel: (+32) 2 283 1900
Fax: (+32) 2 283 1950
Email: edpsatedps [dot] europa [dot] eu (edps[at]edps[dot]europa[dot]eu)

Register of the European Labour Authority

ELA, as all the other EU institutions, must maintain a register  of records of activities under its responsibility involving processing (collection, storage, use etc.) of personal data.
The register has to be publicly accessible and must contain certain pieces of information explaining the purpose and conditions of the processing operations.

You can consult the register to understand how ELA processes personal data in the course of its activities, here below:

DPR-ELA-2024-002 ELA operational workload analysis / Privacy Statement

DPR-ELA-2024-0011 ELA Wellbeing activities / Privacy statement

DPR-ELA-2024-0012 ELA trainings and workshops on PROGRESS / Privacy statement

DPR-ELA-2023-0001 Probationary period and appraisal of ELA Staff / Privacy Statement

DPR-ELA-2023-0002 Probationary period and appraisal of ELA Executive Director / Privacy Statement

DPR-ELA-2023-0003 ELA interactive online training platform for Concerted and Joint Inspections / Privacy Statement

DPR-ELA-2023-0004 ELA Working Groups

DPR-ELA-2023-0007 EU Learn in the European Labour Authority / Privacy Statement

DPR-ELA-2023-0008 ELA independent expert management / Privacy Statement / Request to access to the experts’ database (internal)

DPR-ELA-2023-0009 ELA communication services / Privacy Statement

DPR-ELA-2023-0010 Subscription to ELA electronic newsletters and notifications via Newsroom /  Privacy Statement

DPR-ELA-2023-0011 Publication of meetings with interest representatives and other externals / Privacy Statement

DPR-ELA-2023-0013 Speedwell / Privacy Statement

DPR-ELA-2023-0014 Identity & Access Management Service - EU Login / Privacy Statement

DPR-ELA-2023-0015 Accounting activities at the European Labour Authority / Privacy Statement

DPR-ELA-2023-0016 360° Feedback Programme for managers in the European Labour Authority / Privacy Statement

DPR-ELA-2023-0018 Pilot of communication applications for Concerted and Joint Inspections / Privacy Statement

DPR-ELA-2023-0019 ELA network services / Terms and conditions:

DPR-ELA-2023-0020 ELA Business Continuity Plan activities / Privacy statement

DPR-ELA-2023-0022 ELA ICT security investigations / Privacy Statement

DPR-ELA-2023-0024 ELA staff statistics / Privacy Statement

DPR-ELA-2023-0026 EURES Chat service / Privacy Statement

DPR-ELA-2023-0027 EURES data and on-line job vacancies/advertisement analysisPrivacy Statement

DPR-ELA-2023-0028 Reimbursement of experts and candidates through AGM / Privacy Statement

DPR-ELA-2023-0029 Organisation and management of mandatory trainings on health and safety for ELA Staff

DPR-ELA-2023-0030 Microsoft365 Copilot at ELA / Privacy statement

DPR-ELA-2023-0031 Consultation on EURES activities / Privacy Statement

DPR-ELA-2022-0001 Register of personal data breaches in the European Labour Authority / Privacy Statement

DPR-ELA-2022-0002 Handling request for access to documents lodged under Decision No 8/2020 of 24 April 2020 of the Management Board laying down the rules for applying Regulation (EC) 1049/2001 with regard to European Labour Authority documents / Privacy Statement

DPR-ELA- 2022-0003 Managing award procedures for procurement and the execution of contracts / Privacy Statement

DPR-ELA-2022-0004 Monitoring, investigative, auditing and consultative activities of ELA Data Protection Officer / Privacy Statement

DPR-ELA-2022-0005 Processing of personal data within the framework of the Headquarters Agreement between ELA and the Government of the Slovak Republic: VAT Refund / Privacy Statement

DPR-ELA-2022-0006 External complaints in the field of European labour mobility / Privacy Statement

DPR-ELA-2022-0007 Social services for ELA staff & family members

DPR-ELA-2022- 0008 ELA access control, CCTV system and parking cards / Privacy Statement

DPR-ELA-2022- 0009 European Network of Employment Services (EURES) (jobseekers and employers)

DPR-ELA-2022-0010 Selection and recruitment of staff, interimaires, Seconded National Experts(SNEs) National Liaison Officers (NLOs), and trainees / Privacy Statement

DPR-ELA-2022-0011 Email system at the European Labour Authority / Privacy Statement

DPR-ELA-2022-0013 European Job Days / Privacy Statement

DPR-ELA-2022-0014 ELA mediation activities / Privacy Statement

DPR-ELA-2022-0015 National Liaison Officers (NLOs) activities on cooperation and exchange of information with Member States / Privacy Statement

DPR-ELA-2022-0016 management of missions and authorised travel, including the online tool MiPS (Missions Processing System) / Privacy Statement

DPR-ELA-2022-0018 ELA Loan management system for ICT equipment / Privacy Statement

DPR-ELA-2022-0019 ELA Work Programme activities / Privacy Statement

DPR-ELA-2022-0022  ELA Public consultations/Surveys/Questionnaires/Quiz / Privacy Statement / Consent form

DPR-ELA-2022-0023:  ELA live, hybrid and digital events, seminars, workshops, conferences, meetings, open/celebration/information days and visits / Privacy Statement on events / Privacy Statement on visits

DPR-ELA-2022-0024 ELA Contact lists & network partners databases / Privacy Statement (consent) / Privacy Statement (public interest) / Privacy Statement authorization form

DPR-ELA-2022-0025 ELA process of personal data related to internal and external audits / Privacy Statement

DPR-ELA-2022-0026 Personal Data on Social Media / Privacy Statement

DPR-ELA-2022-0027 Personal Data on ELA Corporate Web Presences / Privacy Statement

DPR-ELA-2022-0028 ELA data processing related to leave-absence-compensation management / Privacy Statement

DPR-ELA-2022-0029 ELA concerted and joint inspections / Privacy Statement on CJIsPrivacy Statement on e-bulletin Enforcement Unit

DPR-ELA-2022-0030 Staff promotion and reclassification procedure/ Privacy Statement

DPR-ELA-2022-0031 Anti-harassment procedure / ELA Anti-harassment informal procedure Privacy Statement - ELA selection of confidential counsellors Privacy Statement

 DPR-ELA-2022-0032 ELA Intranet Collaborative Platform/ Privacy Statement

DPR-ELA-2022-0033 ELA declarations related to professional ethics / Privacy Statement

DPR-ELA-2022-0035 ELA call for papers, proposals or ideas / Privacy Statement

DPR-ELA-2022-0036 Administrative inquires and disciplinary procedure / Privacy Statement

DPR-ELA-2022-0037 ELA Election to the Staff Committee - Electronic voting / Privacy Statement

DPR-ELA-2022-0038 ELA Cybersecurity campaigns / Privacy Statement

DPR-ELA-2022-0039 ELA parking spaces management / Privacy Statement

DPR-ELA-2022- 0040: Use of personal data for safety and security reasons at ELA / Privacy Statement

DPR-ELA-2022-0041 ELA research activities related to supporting cooperation between Member States / Privacy Statement / Authorization form

DPR-ELA-2022-0042: ELA ICT Ticket system / Privacy Statement

DPR-ELA-2022-0044 European Network of Employment Services (EURES) EURES staff

DPR-ELA-2022-0045: ELA restrictions on data subjects' rights concerning personal data / Privacy Statement

DPR-ELA-2022- 0046 ELA Staff Committee activities / Privacy Statement

DPR-ELA-2022-0047 ELA Analytical and Risk Assessment Capacity supporting Concerted and Joint Inspections (LMARA) / Privacy Statement

DPR-ELA-2022- 0048 EU Talent Pool Pilot project in the EURES portal for persons displaced from Ukraine / Privacy Statement

DPR-ELA-2022-0049 Specific trainings on ELA Capacity building / Privacy Statement /  Consent external speakers / Consent interpreters

DPR-ELA-2022-0053 EURES Internal communication ticketing system  - JIRAPrivacy Statement JIRA

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