Fox Weather RSS Feeds

FOX offers free headlines for personal, non-commercial use via Really Simple Syndication ("RSS") (RSS 2.0). RSS is an XML-based format for easily sharing news headlines and summaries for use in your favorite newsreaders and Web logs (blogs). The feeds include links back to the Site for the full article, and they update automatically.

To use RSS, you will need a special RSS newsreader or aggregator that will allow you to collect and display the RSS content. FOX does not provide the required newsreader or aggregator. There are many different newsreaders available, many for free. Most newsreaders are applications that you download and install. Others are web-based services you sign up for that work inside your browser.
Copy and paste the URL into the newsreader. You can find a list of newsreaders here. Please note that by accessing the RSS feeds, you agree to the Terms of Use, which govern your use of the RSS Service. offers feeds for the following sections:

Latest Headlines (all sections) -
Weather News -
Extreme Weather -
Lifestyle -
Learn -
Earth & Space -

RSS Terms of Use

These RSS Terms of Use, FOX’s Privacy Policy, and our general Terms of Use govern your use of RSS. Any uses of RSS not granted herein are strictly prohibited. Prohibited uses include, but are not limited to, the incorporation of advertising or the placement of advertising associated with or targeted at the content of the RSS. You may not edit or modify the RSS feeds in any manner whatsoever. RSS feeds may be used only with platforms with a functional link which takes the viewer directly to the full article on the Site. You may not insert any intermediate page, splash page or any other content between the RSS link and the applicable article on the Site. FOX retains all ownership and other rights in the RSS content and in any and all FOX logos and trademarks used in connection with RSS feeds. If you provide attribution using a graphic, you must use the appropriate FOX logo incorporated into the RSS content or feed.
FOX reserves the right to cease offering any or all of the RSS feeds at any time or to require you to cease distributing any or all of the feeds at any time for any reason. FOX assumes no liability for your activities in connection with the RSS feeds or for your use of the feeds in connection with your website.

Please see's full Terms of Use statement.
