UK-based Imperial and Warwick follow the Madrid-based institution again
Courses have grown in popularity while a shift to hybrid work has helped erode some recruiters’ doubts
Snapshots of selected institutions that performed and progressed strongly in the past year
From salaries to value for money and diversity, how this year’s ranking was compiled
The best MBAs are holding their own amid challenges from alternative courses and concerns for the degree’s future
US institution tops global assessment that takes account of measures including the quality of academic research
Tips from students, alumni and admissions tutors, plus links to FT resources to help you
FT specialists delve into data from the 2024 Global MBA Ranking
What FT data tells us about European schools’ alumni salaries, seniority and carbon targets
The degree is attracting more youthful applicants who like the flexibility of part-time study
How the league table of finance degrees was compiled
Five of the highest-ranked 10 schools are French, including the top four
The FT has changed how the ranking is compiled to stress diversity and sustainability
Asian EMBAs take the podium places despite regional pandemic and political challenges
Students and graduates on what they learnt from their degree
Chinese and emerging market business schools strengthen as applications rise in the pandemic
Recruiters are joining in debates on how business schools’ performance is assessed
FT entrepreneurship course ranking reflects how more students want to go it alone
US school’s focus on innovation keeps students in business
Alumni of top 100 MBA courses paid $142,000 on average in 2016
Dean’s column: UCLA Anderson’s Judy Olian on a remarkable innovator
Weighing the outlay in time and money against the rewards