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E3 2021 - PC Gaming Show Overview

PC Gamer’s PC Gaming Show at E3 2021 was a real mixed bag of good and bad. That being good games, but bad presentation to an extent. They’ve done better to make it more entertaining, but it’s also somewhat bloated and something that could’ve been an hour presentation instead. That said, to not point and mock whilst doing the same, here’s an overview of all of the games announced and showcased:


12th August - PC

To hit the ground running, Naraka is a squad-based battle royale game. The game’s main focus is the movement as part of its combat featuring melee and ranged weapons. If you took the traversal system of Apex Legends/Titanfall and threw in more verticality, you’d get this game. This is a game that requires a purchase to play, so let’s see how well the player population is post-launch.

Dodgeball Academia

August - Switch, PS4, Xbox One and PC

If you took late-2010s Cartoon Network style animation and combined that with the lovechild of RPGs and dodgeball, you’d get this game. It’ll feature a story and competitive local game mode. The story itself will focus on Otto as he learns to dominate his school by being the best dodgeball player, in a range of challenges alone or together with fellow classmates.

Chivalry 2

Out Now

With the game already out, PC Gamer held a quick talk with a developer to discuss the roadmap and how each subsequent update would progress the game and give players more modernised/upgraded weapons and styles for combat as they play in later periods of medieval eras.

Dying Light 2 Staying Human

7th Dec 2021 - PS5, PS4, Xbox One and X|S, and PC

To showcase and get the hype rolling for the game, a developer came on to talk about the narrative and how it’ll make it interesting for the players with a more character-driven protagonist, Aiden, to help piece together his past and save Mia who’s key to unravelling his forgotten memories ever since the incident that caused them to split.


Coming Soon - PC

More gameplay showcased for Rawmen at the show, there’s nothing really new being highlighted, but if you’re curious, it’s a third-person shooter MOBA. The trailer in question was more showing off the different game modes and the maps, as well as abilities for sliding about, jumping and the arsenal of weapons to devastate your opponents and dodge theirs.


Coming Soon - PC

Not necessarily new news per se, but the game had a closed beta from 13th-26th June where you can play its industrial era for the first time. You could also face off against Frankie Ward, online personality and esports player. There were drops for the closed beta.

They Always Run

Coming Soon - PC

If you took the combat of Dead Cells, and replaced dungeon clearing with bounty hunting, that’s what They Always Run is. A side-scrolling action game with beautifully stylised 2D animations, this is a game to keep an eye on when it releases for PC.

Orcs Must Die! 3

23rd July 2021 - PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox X|S

Set 25 years after the previous game, Orcs Must Die! 3 features a new cast of characters and challenges. With new additions of War Scenarios, for massive battles, and Scramble, maps with RNG elements to keep things refreshing. This is a sequel that builds on the previous game’s success with devastating War Machines to create orchestrated traps and force the orcs into a frenzied retreat.

Vampire: The Masquerade - Swansong

2021 - Switch, PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox X|S

Seek the truth and remedy your past, the trailer itself didn’t show that much outside of the game’s concept and narrative. For something to get people interested, it’s definitely intriguing and promises to be another hit within the franchise.


Coming soon - Switch, PC, PS4, and Xbox One

With Kaijus being all the rage again, and with a certain monkey fighting a lizard, a game that’s within that genre as a party game is definitely one to make the rounds. Featuring four-player combat, become the true king of the monsters, or go the space ranger route and grab a giant mech to do battle. With dynamic and changing environments, the game looks like something for a drunk games night.

Lemnis Gate

3rd August - PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox X|S

The preview/talk about the game itself was short, covering the core mechanics of it being a third-person shooter with turn-based combat. The concept is pretty high and is proving to be an innovative take within the shooter genre. An open beta will be active in July, exact dates are TBA.

Next Space Rebels

Q3 2021 - PC

Space Race 2.0 has started and it’s no longer just the money who’s in it. Playing the unlikely underdog, you make a ploy for the space race by becoming an influencer with a desire for the stars, in the most literal of senses. The game is reminiscent of Kerbal Space Program, so get set for space when it drops later this year.


2021 - PC

Isometric turn-based combat with real-time overworld. Lead your band of merry men and explore these forgotten lands. Journey forth, save the innocent, and show this land the forgotten honour before the plague times that swept the lands. Find allies to help strengthen your numbers as you fight for survival in turn-based combat with real-time exploration.


2022 - PC

Another space game, but this time a survival sandbox city builder. Take to the stars and construct a bastion for humanity beyond earth. The trailer shown was more selling the game and the concepts behind it, whilst visually interesting it didn’t do much to sell what the game will actually be about. Hopefully, more details will be released, the game is slated for release next year.

FAR: Changing Tides

Coming Soon - PC

Acting as a tonal set piece for the game, the trailer definitely gave the game a strong sense of mystery and exploration in a lowkey way. Not that lowkey is bad, but compared to the fanfare other games have gotten, this peaceful showcase helps with making the game intriguing in its own right. Release date is currently TBA.

Lakeburg Legacies

2022 - PC

City builder with RPG mechanics? Definitely an curious mix, as a social-based management sim you’ll build a new legacy each playthrough. This game definitely looks interesting and is definitely worth keeping an out.

Killing Floor 2: Interstellar Insanity

22nd June - PC, PS4, and Xbox One

Killing Floor 2’s latest update is definitely one to keep an eye for more hoard-based shooters with a new map and weapons. Killing Floor, like its endless hoards, continues to come with more content to keep the game interesting.

Mech Warrior 5 Mercenaries

Already Out - PC, Xbox One, and Xbox X|S

With the game already out, they basically ran through the game for new players and talked about its heritage with discussion about the DLC that’ll be rolling out for the game such as Heroes of the Innersphere. The DLC itself will contain a career mode that can be picked up from your main campaign save or a brand new one. Included is a bunch of new abilities and mechs to choose from.


Early 2022 - PC

Visually like Limbo but set in the Ocean, you’ll play a wandering soul that’s capable of inhabiting other sea creatures. Control others to your will and explore the deep dark in this adventure puzzle game.

Jurassic World: Evolution 2

2021 - PC

Set after Jurassic World Fallen Kingdom, hopefully you’ll maybe make a park that isn’t going to potentially doom the human race but let’s see. The short discussion with the devs and what’ll be included in the game briefly touched on the narrative in the game with new dinos. Not a lot to speak of right now, release is later this year.

New Blood Interactive

Rapid fire game showcase.

Honestly with how fast the sizzle reel is, the trailer is more confusing and felt like it did a disservice to the games itself with how sporadic it was. There’s also six hidden games as part of the reel, so yay?

  • Ultrakill
  • Fallen Aces
  • AMID Evil: The Black Labyrinth
  • Unfortunate Spacemen
  • Dusk’ 82
  • Kyle is Completely Famous
  • Faith the Unholy Trinity
  • Gloomwood
  • Dusk

PC Next Fest

A replacement to Summer Game Fest?

Gabe Newell made a special appearance on the PC Gaming Show and basically just said that there’s going to be a festival for new and upcoming indie games. Not many details were given beyond that unfortunately.


2022 - PC

Listen now, this is a game to get excited for. Do you like anime? Do you like Berserk? (R.I.P Kentaro Miura) Throw in some souls-like combat and you’ve got a winning formula for a game. Not much information was given beyond the trailer, but this is something to keep an eye on.

Warhammer 40,000: Chaos Gate - Daemonhunters

2022 - PC

Not much to talk about, it’s just another promotion of the game with nothing new to speak of as this is the same trailer from a couple weeks ago.


Late 2021/Early 2022 - PC

Another Russia based shooter this E3, this one is very much alike to S.T.A.L.K.E.R. series visually, and unfortunately, it’s not done a whole to sell itself as anything distinctly different visually. Not much to talk about honestly, there’s very little to go off right now aside from it being an MMORPG survival action according to its Twitter handle.

EVE Online

In case you’ve ever wanted to get into EVE but thought it’s like an impenetrable wall without a friend to ease you in, there’s now an official learning resource to help break down the barrier to entry for the critically-acclaimed MMO. Maybe one day you’ll be part of the history in the making of another skirmish/all-out war that’ll make the rounds again.


Out Now - PC

Another party game and one to make every cheer like it’s the early 2010s lads on the sofa meme. Lumberhill is one of those games fit for games night with online and coach PvP for four player fun or three player co-op with its own campaign. If you liked Overcooked, this might be a game for you.


Early Access - PC

Procedurally generated dungeons with roguelite mechanics, this is a game that has an interesting premise. Featuring a mutation mechanic, where you’re able to visibly see the upgrades you’ve taken to become more powerful. And in a world where there’s loads of rogue-inspired games, this is one to keep an eye on as it’s out in Early Access right now on Steam.


2022 - PC

If Demon Turd was visually a game for you, but the speedrunning aspect isn’t your thing, maybe check out Tinykin. A mash of 2D animated characters in a 3D action puzzle platformer with minion mechanics akin to Pikmin, this set to be a charmer for those craving games from long ago.


28th July - PC

From the creators of Get Even, comes an exploration survival horror game set in the Chernobyl exclusion zone. In a non-linear RPG setting, you’ll befriend or make enemies in your bid to discover the mysteries within this irradiated zone to change the course of the future, or undo the past with your special device. It’s available on Early Access right now on Steam, but maybe hold off until its full release.


2022 - PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox X|S, and Switch

Despite being a Kickstarter project, this is a game that’ll feel like a revival of the old JRPG turn-based combat games. If the game is executed as well as the trailer showed it to be, this’ll be something memorable. There’s always a risk with Kickstarter games, but given how easily this game will hit its crowdfunding mark. This is definitely one to keep an eye on.


12th August - PC

Survival sandbox game but with a time limit before your progress is wiped if you don’t make it back in time to save. This is a nice twist on the survival formula where you’ll need to maximise the time you spend on this handcrafted planet where each session will launch to a point in the map and you’ll have a set of tasks to complete, or risk being stranded and failing. This’ll be interesting with how it plays out with the eight player co-op for online play. Is this gonna have the same pitfalls as playing any game with permadeath or will it rise above those challenges? That’s the important question to know.


Coming Soon - PC

Turn-based tactics game with a post-cyberpunk setting, you’ll need to keep your wits about as you roam and to escape this planet. The description in the Steam page is slightly underwhelming and doesn’t do credit to the visuals, but man the trailer remove also kinda just missing the mark for being interesting. It’s almost playing it too safe, and the core gameplay loop isn’t covered that great, so maybe hold off until more info is given.

The Wandering village

Early Access - PC

What if you’re building a civilisation, but on a giant animal's back? That’s the premise of this game. Another 2D drawn characters in a 3D world, the game’s style is strong and the setting is interesting where the giant’s path determines its back’s biomes. If the year’s time to put in content and polish is true, definitely one to maybe pick up if you’re having an itch for that kind of strategy game.

Death Trash

Early Access - PC

Isometric RPG with an emphasis on replayability through the story, this is a post-apocalyptic cosmic horror game where nothing is truly safe. The art style really adds to it and the trailer is a real mood setter with an interesting world with what feels like real narrative turning points with monstrous bosses to kill. The Early Access is mostly for the dev to get feedback and will basically be a playable demo for the first chapter. Everything else is still in active development beyond core mechanics for story and combat, so if you’re going in for the story, hold off. It’ll also feature couch co-op, so if you’ve got someone to get hooked into the world for sharing the fun with cosmic horror, definitely wait till full release.

Songs of Conquest

Q1 2022 - PC

There’s been quite a few strategy games poppin’ off this year. If none of the other games caught your attention in that genre, this Age of Empires-like game might be for you. That said, the game will have turn-based tile combat for armies when you’re in conflict, so how the game is paced is unknown right now.

Citizen Sleeper

2022 - PC

Where to even begin, there’s a lot to take in. The trailer was impressive, the closest parallels you can make is maybe if the mechanics of VA-11 Hall-A: Cyberpunk Bartender Action had a love child with the visuals/framing of Necrobarista. Maybe a sleeper hit and one to be a hallmark of inspirations of the next generation of narrative focused RPGs?

Project Warlock 2

2022 - PC

Set after the first Project Warlock, this looks like a fun first-person shooter of the Doom era but with souped-up graphics and is visually really impressive. Taking notes from the predecessor, magic is going to have more of an effect in the moment to moment gameplay. On top of more quality of life improvements, this definitely looks like a fun game to maybe give go when it releases next year.

Final Thoughts:

There’s a lot of games, and honestly summarising it down to less than a handful of games would do the showcase a disservice. But in terms of the show itself, if you’re into the whole meta narrative between each year’s conference that’s great. But given that it’s E3, most people wanna hear more about the games. It also didn’t help that the start of the stream didn’t have audio which is a bit of an oopsy. That said, the games they got to showcase were top notch and definitely highlight the strength of the indie community and its continued venture into genres that aren’t considered in vogue anymore. But in terms of games I’m personally interested in, it’s definitely gotta be Soulstice and SacriFire, there’s something about both of them that scratch an itch I didn’t know I had. As for a runner up to the pair, you could slap any of the strategy games and I wouldn’t deny its placing honestly. What about you? Sound off in the comments below.

E3 2021
Owen Chan

Owen Chan

Staff Writer

Is at least 50% anime.

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