

Two smiling policewomen with many badges. Two smiling policewomen with many badges. Two smiling policewomen with many badges.

Security, reconstruction and peace

Violent conflicts and natural disasters threaten the lives and livelihoods of millions of people worldwide. We support our partners in alleviating the structural causes of violent conflict and developing capacities for peaceful conflict transformation.

Facts and figures

127.5 m. people were given potential access to digital administrative services

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6.4 m. people were supported directly by us and our partners in managing the consequences of climate change

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Almost 120 countries in which we operate

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260,000 people completed a vocational training measure

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Thailand: 35,000 farmers have reduced their greenhouse gas emissions by an average of 21 per cent

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95 m. people people have access to ​better health services


Arbeiten an der Schnittstelle: humanitäre Hilfe, Entwicklung, Frieden

  • Arbeiten an der Schnittstelle: humanitäre Hilfe, Entwicklung, Frieden
  • zuhören, verbinden, verändern: Partnerschaften in der internationalen Zusammenarbeit
  • What is a future worth living?
  • RESICODI Action: Insight into digital solutions for basic education in Namibia and Rwanda
  • Award for Equality: The GIZ office in Mexico
  • Nachhaltigkeit fördern: Das GIZ-Büro in Albanien
  • Türkiye: Bringing Hope on Wheels
  • Striving for Solidarity
  • Kollektiver Schutz des Hawassa-Sees in Äthiopien
  • Georgien: Gute Regierungsführung für lokale Entwicklung

Arbeiten an der Schnittstelle: humanitäre Hilfe, Entwicklung, Frieden

zuhören, verbinden, verändern: Partnerschaften in der internationalen Zusammenarbeit

What is a future worth living?

RESICODI Action: Insight into digital solutions for basic education in Namibia and Rwanda

Award for Equality: The GIZ office in Mexico

Nachhaltigkeit fördern: Das GIZ-Büro in Albanien

Türkiye: Bringing Hope on Wheels

Striving for Solidarity

Kollektiver Schutz des Hawassa-Sees in Äthiopien

Georgien: Gute Regierungsführung für lokale Entwicklung

