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Sailing Ship Hull Timbers

A. The pieces which compose the keel, to be securely bolted together, and clinched.

B. The stern-post, which is tenented into the keel, and connected to it by a knee, G. It supports the rudder, and unites the sides of the ship abaft.

C. The stem, which is composed of two pieces scarsed together: it is an arching piece of timber, into which the ship's sides are united forwards

D. The beams, which are used to support the decks, and confine the sides to their proper distance.

E. The false post, which serves to augment the breadth of the stern-post, being also tenented into the keel.

F. The knees, which connect the beams to the sides.

G. The knee of the stern-post, which unites it to the keel.

H. The apron, in two pieces: it is sayed on the inside of the stem, to support the scarf thereof; for which reason, the Scarf of the former must be at some distance from that of the latter.

I. The stemson, in two pieces, to reinforce the scarf of the apron.

K. The wing transom: it is sayed across the stern-post, and bolted to the head of it, having its two ends let into the fashion-pieces.

L. The deck-transom, parallel to the wing-transom, and secured in the same manner.

M. N. The lower transoms.

O. The fashion-piece on one side; the heel of it is connected with the dead-wood, and the head is secured to the wing-transom.

P. The top-timbers, or upper parts of the fashion-pieces..

Q. The knees, which fashion the transoms to the ship's side.

R. The breast-hooks, in the hold; they are sayed across the stem, to strengthen the fore-part of the ship.

S. The breast-hooks of the deck: they are placed immediately above the former, and used for the same purposes.

T. The rudder, which is joined to the stern-post by hinges, and serves to direct the ship's course.

U. The floor timbers; they are laid across the keel, to which they are firmly bolted.

V. The lower futtocks, and

W. The top-timbers, which are all united to the floor-timbers, forming a frame .that reaches from the keel to the top of the side.

X. The pieces which compose the kelson: they are scarsed together like the keel pieces, and placed over the middle of the. floor-timbers, upon each of which they are scored about an inch and a half, as exhibited by the notches.

Y. The several pieces of the knee of the head; the lower part of which is sayed to the stem; the heel being scarsed to the fore-foot.

Z. The cheeks of the head or knees, which connect the head to the bows on each side.

&. The standard of the head which fastens it to the stem.

a. The catheads, one of which lies on each bow, projecting outwards like the arm of a crane. They are used to draw the anchors up to the top of the side without injuring the bow.

b. The bits, to which the cable is fastened when the ship rides at anchor.

c. The false post, in two pieces, sayed to the fore part of the stern-post.

d. The side-counter-timbers, which terminate the ship abaft within the quarter-gallery.

e. Two pieces of dead wood, one afore, and another abaft, sayed on the keel.

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