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Charles de Gaulle - Combat

On 18 May 2001, the aircraft carrier (PA) Charles de Gaulle was admitted to active service. Spearhead of the French Navy, it is the eighth French carrier and the first nuclear-powered surface vessel. For its missions, it is part of the Airborne Group (GAN) or Task Force 473 , usually consisting of air defense frigates, anti-submarine frigates, La Fayette frigates , an ANS and an oil tanker -ravitailleur. The Charles de Gaulle allows the carrier group to perform four strategic functions: anticipation, deterrence, prevention and intervention.

The Charles de Gaulle is an instrument of strength and power, it is the symbol of independence. It shows the political, military and diplomatic capacity of France. France is one of the few countries in the world capable of deploying a complete naval force with a catapult carrier. PA Charles de Gaulle has played an essential role in the prevention and management of conflicts and crises.

2001 - Op Heracles - Afghanistan

In place since 2001, the Agapanthe mission is the name given to the deployment of the Carrier Group in the Indian Ocean. This mission includes support for the forces operating in Afghanistan. The Charles de Gaulle launched its Super-Etendard in Afghanistan on December 20, 2001, while the Mirage 2000D of the Air Force were not able to operate until February 27, 2002, two months more. Charles de Gaulle carried out a first operational mission of fighting terrorism in the Indian Ocean ( Heracles-Enduring Freedom ) for 7 months, from December 2001 to July 2002, his planes carrying nearly 800 missions over Afghanistan.

The first French military unit committed to the area, from the beginning of the Western intervention at the end of 2001 as part of Operation Enduring Freedom, was naval. The frigate Courbet, which carries out its first mission on October 17, 2001. The carrier group (GAN) was deployed, off Pakistan, on five occasions. The aircraft carrier projected the aircraft of its on-board air group over Afghan territory in support of the operations of the NATO International Security and Safety Force for reconnaissance, assault and support missions Ground troops or tactical coordination.

2004 - Op Heracles - Afghanistan

The interventions of the CDG in Afghanistan are more a strategy of means than an operational necessity. The periods during which it was engaged off Pakistan were much shorter: ten days in 2004, 18 in 2006, one month in 2007 and one month again in 2010. It should be noted that these are periods when aircraft Of the aircraft carrier participated in air operations over Afghanistan, not other missions in the Indian Ocean.

On May 4, 2005, the carrier group formed around the aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle departed Toulon's military port for a two-month mission in the Atlantic and the English Channel. During this deployment, interactions between carrier groups are planned with the US Navy in continuity with the exercises and operations carried out in recent years. Training is also being conducted with the Canadian Navy, which will implement a significant number of vessels and aircraft. Stops will be scheduled in the United States, Norfolk from May 27 to June 1 for aircraft carriers and submarines, and New York May 27 to June 2 for other vessels.

2006 - Op Heracles - Afghanistan

The interventions of the CDG in Afghanistan are more a strategy of means than an operational necessity. The periods during which it was engaged off Pakistan were much shorter: 18 days in 2006. It should be noted that these are periods when aircraft Of the aircraft carrier participated in air operations over Afghanistan, not other missions in the Indian Ocean.

2007 - Op Heracles - Afghanistan

The interventions of the CDG in Afghanistan are more a strategy of means than an operational necessity. The periods during which it was engaged off Pakistan were much shorter: one month in 2007. These are periods when aircraft Of the aircraft carrier participated in air operations over Afghanistan, not other missions in the Indian Ocean.

2010 - Op Agapanthe - Afghanistan

The 'Agapanthus operation began in October 2010 and continued until February 2011, off Afghanistan. The Agapanthe 2010 mission, the first long-term deployment of the Charles de Gaulle since the end of its "IPER", the scheduled period of "periodic unavailability for maintenance and repair, was delayed. The Charles-de-Gaulle nuclear aircraft carrier, which was due to leave for 4 months in the Indian Ocean on October 15, had to return to the port in Toulon in southern France. It was necessary to change a defective valve in the propulsion circuit. Before any intervention, it was necessary to reach what is called in the navy, the "cold stop" of the reactor. This is the second time in ten years that the carrier returned to the dock on technical incident.

The Charles de Gaulle took to the sea on 30 October to carry out its planned deployment in the Indian Ocean. During this deployment, scheduled from mid-October to 21 February, the Carrier Group, formed around the Charles de Gaulle, will include two frigates (Forbin and Tourville), a tanker (Meuse) and an attack nuclear submarine (Amethyst). The air group on board the aircraft carrier will have 12 modernized Super Etendards, 10 Rafale, 2 Hawkeye radars and helicopters.

For AGAPANTHE 2010, the Carrier Group (GAN), based around the Charles de Gaulle, includes the Tourville anti- submarine frigate, the Forbin air defense frigate, the Meuse tanker and a nuclear submarine, attack. The airborne group consists of 10 Rafale of the 12F fleet, 12 Super Modernized Etendard (SEM) of the 17F and 2 Hawkeye of the 4F. Throughout this deployment, Task Force 473 was placed under the command of Rear Admiral Jean-Louis Krignard, Commander of the French Air Force.

The deployment also includes a six-week period off Pakistan, during which time the aircraft of the on-board air group came to support the coalition forces operating in Afghanistan. Indeed, Rafale F3 , Super Etendard and Hawkeye participated in Operation Pamir, alongside ISAF (International Security and Assistance Force in Afghanistan), under the operational command of the Chief of Staff armies.

Agapanthe 2010 was for the Rafale Marine to the F3 standard its first operational deployment. "It is the most modern combat aircraft in service in France. It is a versatile aircraft, with a long-range response capability. It is an adaptable tool, designed for a wide range of missions: air defense and superiority, all-weather ground penetration and attack, tanker capacity, sea attack, tactical and strategic reconnaissance, nuclear deterrence.

During the "Brilliant Mariner" mission in 2010, the Charles de Gaulle crossed the North Sea. The eruption of the Icelandic volcano Eyjafjallajkull requires the carrier to go far north to find diversion of land not affected by the ash cloud. This diversion will have the effect of shifting the Arctic circle to the aircraft carrier and, consequently, of stealing modernized Super- Etendards (and Rafale) over the Arctic Circle.

2010 - Op Atalante - Somalia

The carrier group participated in anti-piracy operations off Somalia ( Atalante ), but also against terrorist networks and trafficking in the Indian Ocean. The mission also provided an opportunity to assist other operations in the Indian Ocean, including the fight against piracy and terrorism in the Red Sea, the Gulf of Aden, the Arabian Sea and The Gulf of Oman. For example, the Meuse and the Tourville have actively contributed to this fight against illegal activities, particularly within the operation Active Endeavor in the Mediterranean. The numerous sensors of the aircraft carrier's buildings have always been available to the forces of the coalitions with which we cooperate. On the return journey, in the Gulf of Aden, the aircraft embarked on 49 flights devoted to tracking boats. They thus covered the surface of France, in an area where the pirates are rampant.

GAN also participated in three major operations of bilateral cooperation and joint aeromaritime maneuvers. First Varuna with India, from January 11 to 14, 2011; Then Big Fox with the United Arab Emirates, from 23 to 26 January 2011; And finally, White Shark with Saudi Arabia, from 12 to 14 February. These helped to test the interoperability of French resources and to develop common know-how with our partners and allies. They have made it possible to cooperate with the three riparian nations.

2011 - Op Harmattan - Libya

After a four-month mission to the Indian Ocean, the carrier returned to Toulon, before leaving for the Libyan theater on 20 March 2011. The time of a major stopover and the aircraft carrier was again deployed, off the coast of Libya under UN mandate. He thus totaled almost nine months of interrupted operations, including a month spent in Toulon in rehabilitation.

Charles de Gaulle was engaged in Operation Harmattan from March 22 to August 4, 2011. The proximity of the theater allowed the air force to open hostilities (from Saint-Dizier and Nancy, first ) And the aircraft carrier arrived very quickly in reinforcement. Its presence off the coast of Libya had a significant advantage, namely shortening transit times - exactly the opposite of the situation in Afghanistan.

Charles-de-Gaulle left operation "Harmattan", to join its base port in Toulon, where it arrived on August 12, 2011 . The operational mission was very rich and the pilots were able to use their training. A French operational system is maintained off Libya. National Navy vessels continue to participate in the coalition, maintaining the level of operational activity. A projection and command building, two frigates, a tanker tanker and a nuclear attack submarine are on the ground under UN mandate. A third frigate also engaged in the maritime force of NATO.

Exotic 2012 is an unprecedented SIC (Information Systems and Communication) exercise involving the deployment of all the equipment used at the Poggio Renatico and Sigonella sites in Italy during Operation Harmattan conducted above Libya. Piloted by the DIRISI (the joint management of infrastructure networks and information systems) under the mandate of the Armed Forces General Staff, this exercise, called Exotic 2012, stems from the feedback (Retex) Operation Harmattan, conducted over Libya.

After a period of maintenance, the aircraft carrier will begin its "Operational Conditioning" (MECO) training course. The maneuvers that will be carried out during a month must enable the building to validate all its operational capacities. The first part of the deployment was devoted to the training of young pilots of the Embarked Air Group (GAE). They will chain the catapults and the landing stages, day and night, to obtain their qualifications. During this period, the GAE was composed of 7 Rafale Marine, 7 Super Etendard Modernized and 2 E2C Hawkeye. For the second part of the deployment, the aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle was joined by other vessels - to evolve in complete aircraft group (GAN). This type of configuration is similar to that used in the Agapanthe and Harmattan operations.

2013 - Op Belleau Wood - Persian Gulf

France was part of the US-led coalition bombardment of the IS group in Iraq since September 2014, and expanded its campaign to include Syria. The deployment would more than double the countrys military presence in the region, where it already had six Rafale fighter jets based in the United Arab Emirates, as well as six Mirage fighter aircraft in Jordan.

In mid-December, Personnel Recovery (PR) deployed on the aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle for the mission "Bois Belleau" of the carrier group, took advantage of a passage off the coast of Djibouti to relocate Temporarily on the air base 188. The detachment, consisting of two EC 725 Caracal helicopters and aviators of the No. 30 air parachutist commando, took advantage of this formidable training framework for PR teams exercise activities. The relief, which is very similar to the one encountered in Afghanistan, made it possible to transmit the experience capitalized during the six years of presence on this difficult theater.

In addition to the nocturnal training, the French crews conducted a rare and unique activity in cooperation with a detachment of Hercules HC-130P from the US Air Force in-flight refueling. This demonstrated once again the mastery of a particular know-how. Equipping the EC 725 "Pyrenees" helicopters with such a capability allows for both deep and permanent flight action, both of which are essential to the success of a Personnel Recovery mission.

2015 - Op Chammal - Persian Gulf

France would deploy its Charles de Gaulle aircraft carrier to support operations against the Islamic State (IS) group in Syria and Iraq, the presidency announced on 05 November 2015. The deployment of the battle group alongside the Charles de Gaulle aircraft carrier has been decided to participate in operations against Daesch and its affiliate groups, the statement said, referring to the Arabic acronym for the IS group.

In 2015, within the framework of the Arromanches deployment of the Aircraft Group (GAN) in The Arabian Gulf, the British frigate HMS Kent was integrated for more than two months at the GAN and British military personnel deployed on board the aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle. The Charles de Gaulle, Frances only carrier, is usually accompanied by an attack submarine, several frigates and a refuelling ship. It was docked in the southern French city of Toulon, where it had been under maintenance since the spring. was previously deployed to fight against the IS group in Iraq as part of "Operation 'Chammal", as France terms its anti-Islamic State strikes, for two months, from February 23 to mid-April 2015. During the seven weeks that Charles de Gaulle last took part in the operation (in the wake of the Charlie Hebdo attacks) its aircraft launched around 200 sorties.

The Charles de Gaulle sailed 18 November 2015 from Toulon naval base, south of France, and headed for the eastern Mediterranean to support the allies fighting against Daash. The move came in the wake of the deadly November 13 gun and bomb attacks in Paris, and as the country intensified its fight against the military group who claimed responsibility for the attacks.

With 20-26 [accounts vary] Rafale and Super Etendard Modernise (SEM) aircraft fighter jets on board, the carrier dramatically increased France's capacity to carry out air strikes, and added to the 12 French planes stationed in the United Arab Emirates and Jordan overall. The French aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle, deployed in the Mediterranean for an anti-Islamic State operation in Syria, may stay off the country's coast for more than four months.

The Charles De Gaulle and Carl Vinson strike groups fly more than 100 combined total sorties a day, with Charles De Gaulle flying 15 combat sorties a day using her Super-Etendard and Rafale fighter jet aircraft. Carl Vinson flew up to 25 combat sorties a day. The balance of sorties were high-end training to sharpen pilot skills. Charles De Gaulle had taken on many aspects of operations during its time in the region. Its carrier strike group assumed the primary role of combat support during periods of maintenance, replenishment-at-sea or port visit opportunities for Carl Vinson. The French carrier assumed primary operational duty when the Carl Vinson and Theodore Roosevelt Strike Groups conduct turnover.

2016 - Op Chammal - Syria

At the end of 2015 and early 2016, British naval forces supported the deployment of the aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle with the integration of the frigate anti- Air HMS Defender and HMS St Albans in the battle group engaged in the Arabian-Persian Gulf France bombarded Islamic State targets in Syria on 24 November 2015 from jets from the Charles de Gaulle aircraft carrier newly deployed in the eastern Mediterranean, hours after announcing similar strikes in Iraq. "Two air force Mirage 2000s were engaged in the mission," the defence ministry said. "Simultaneously four Rafale Marines from the aircraft carrier joined them over Syria." The ministry added that the jets targeted a site in the northern town of Raqa, the jihadist group's de facto Syrian capital. France launched its first air strikes from the aircraft carrier earlier Monday, targeting IS in Iraq.

Frances Charles de Gaulle aircraft carrier will assist airstrikes against Islamic State militants in Iraq and Syria, French President Francois Hollande said 22 July 2016. Hollande spoke after a Defense Council meeting in the Elysee Palace in the French capital. The carrier would be deployed at the end of September 2016, according to the French president. French aircraft carrier the Charles de Gaulle, the flagship of the French Navy, was the largest western European warship currently in commission.

By 01 October 2016 the warship was located in the eastern part of the Mediterranean Sea, off the coast of Cyprus. The vessel moved the Rafale deck-based fighters to the area of the hostilities. According to squadrons General Vincent Desport, the arrival of the aircraft carrier to the area of the hostilities increased the number of French combat aircraft, capable to strike positions of terrorists, threefold. As of today, 12 fighter jets of the French Air Force, which are involved in attacks on terrorists as a part of the US-led coalition, are placed at airfields in Jordan and the UAE.

By February 2017 the Charles de Gaulle was in drydock in the port of Toulon for an 18-month refit and upgrade. The carrier had been in service for 15 years and the French Navy said the midlife work will extend her operational life for at least 20 more years.

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