GOAT Games, founded in 2019, is a mobile game development and publishing company located in Guangzhou. We were formerly the global publishing division of Efun during which time we released “War and Magic” which has won the love of millions of players and repeatedly been ranked at the top of the Google bestseller list of many countries.

But we wanted more than to simply publish games, we wanted to use our talents to develop great games as well. And so it was that GOAT was born. The name itself reflects our pride in our home city, also known as the Goat City, but also expresses our commitment to creating games that will become

Greatest Of All Time

Win the love of players worldwide through games with heart. In order for our players to love our games, we have to love our games. We spend countless hours, days, weeks, and months perfecting our games. We play and replay them to ensure that each moment brings us joy so that we can rest assured that each moment is bringing our players joy as well. The greatest games of all time require the greatest teams of all time. We know it's not enough just to have the best individuals working on our games. We need people who can work together seamlessly, sharing their ideas and passions to create the best experiences possible. We're committed to assembling these dream teams for each of our projects, finding talent from all over China and the world who can work together to bring their visions to reality.


The GOAT Games team was established at the end of 2016 by members of domestic Top 10 international publishing corporations' publishing teams. At the beginning of 2019, with the support of our parent company Baotong Technology, we officially became an integrated game development and distribution company - GOAT Games.

The core members of the team are from well-known international game companies such as Tap4fun, Funplus, Elex, Storm8, Pocket Gems, NetEase, Tencent, and more. We have a professional in-house development team as well as a diverse localization team composed of European, American, and domestic members.

In the future, GOAT Games looks forward to working with more international game industry talents to create a better gaming experience for players around the world.


Though we're still a small company, we're very proud of the successes we have achieved, and look forward to more in the future. In our short time as GOAT Games we have:

Released our games in 200 countries around the globe and localized them into 17 languages.

Our games have accumulated over 40 million downloads, with millions of active users globally each month.


We work hand-in-hand with trusted game stores and publishing platforms to provide a high-quality gaming experience to players around the world.

And more...

In addition, we work together with more than 100 different advertising platforms to promote our games to a wide variety of players and are expanding our reach every day.

And more...


Tianhe District, Guangzhou, China 510000
