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Ayurveda for heatwaves: Sandalwood paste on pulse points to melons, tips to prevent heat-related illnesses in summer

ByZarafshan Shiraz, New Delhi
May 10, 2024 08:52 AM IST

Maintaining internal and external coolness in summer is essential to prevent sunstrokes and heat-related illnesses. Here's how Ayurveda can help beat heatwaves

In Ayurveda, maintaining internal and external coolness during summer is essential to prevent sunstrokes and heat-related illnesses and for this, we must follow a balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle. According to experts, Ayurveda offers a comprehensive approach to combat heatwaves by addressing the body's internal equilibrium.

Ayurveda for heatwaves: Sandalwood paste on pulse points to melons, tips to prevent heat-related illnesses in summer (Image by freepic.diller on Freepik)

In an interview with HT Lifestyle, Dr Sarvesh Kumar Agrawal, Associate Professor at National Institute of Ayurveda in Jaipur, advised, “We must incorporate cooling diet, herbs and practices into our daily routine during the summer months. Amla and Aloe Vera juice are renowned for their cooling properties and can be consumed regularly to regulate body temperature and promote overall well-being. Additionally, applying Sandalwood paste to the body, particularly on pulse points, helps cool the skin and relieves the heat.”

He added, “It is also important to keep hydrating the body by regularly drinking water and taking juicy fruits like musk melon, water melon, orange etc, which is also essential. People should also focus on Yoga especially anulom vilom and bhramari pranayam and do it every day for 30 minutes. We can easily prevent problems related to summer heat by following Ayush's practises.”

Dr Shashibala Sainy, Ayush Expert and PhD Scholar, shared, “You can add hydrating foods like watermelon and cucumber to your diet. These foods not only keep the body cool but also replenish lost fluids, preventing dehydration. Also, follow practises like Pranayama, or yogic breathing exercises, into your daily routine to improve respiratory health, promoting overall well-being. To protect the skin from the sun's direct rays, applying coconut oil or Neem paste on the body acts as a natural sunscreen, protecting the skin from harmful UV rays and preventing sunburn.”

Asserting that as temperatures rise, protecting our eyes from the harsh effects of the sun is also important, Vaibhav Jain, Ayush Expert and Co-Founder of Aayush Bharat, shared, “Ayurveda offers simple yet powerful remedies to maintain eye health during heatwaves. One such practice is washing the eyes with rose water, which helps to soothe and refresh tired eyes while reducing inflammation. During the summer, you can apply a cooling eye mask made of cucumber slices placed over closed eyelids, providing instant relief from eye strain and puffiness caused by sun exposure. During these months, we must also incorporate foods rich in Vitamin A, such as carrots and spinach, into our diet. These food items help nourishes the eyes from within, promoting optimal vision and preventing damage from UV rays.”

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