Social Capital


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To Promote … Or Not?

Acceleration Partners founder on why NOT everyone should be expected to lead or manage.
Antonio Nuno

We Can Make Technology The Path Out Of Poverty

I just spent the last week at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas ... Every tech company comes here to launch its most exciting breakthroughs, so it's a great way to see where some of the most brilliant people are focusing their talents.


IBT Spotlight

We Help Businesses Find B2B Service Providers They Can Trust.

WHAT is it? DO you have it? HOW do you earn it?

SOCIAL CAPITAL is the intangible asset at the heart of a new and dynamic view of “success.” It is changing business and the world as we know it, especially as we face one of the most difficult periods of adjustment the world has ever known. Now we at IBT are taking you on an exclusive journey to find it, define it, and to create a forum for those trail-blazing leaders who have it to tell you in their own words how they are transforming society.
