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Institute of Continuing Education (ICE)


Our “In Conversation” events are your chance to hear from people involved in every aspect of writing and the world of publishing. Our friendly, real-time Zoom meetings mean you can join from anywhere in the world and from any device. Pull up a chair and join this monthly, free get-together. If you’ve ever wondered what an agent does all day or what makes a “killer” proposal, our guests will do their best to answer your questions. Writers share their writing routines, their worst mistakes and what it feels like to see your work in print 

Our upcoming events are as scheduled: 

In Conversation with Jessica Lee and Alycia Pirmohamed

Thursday 15 August, 7-8pm BST  Sign up here
In Conversation with Natasha Pulley and Jenny Bavidge  Thursday 19 September, 7-8pm BST Sign up here 
In Conversation with Novelists  Thursday 3 October, 7-8pm BST Sign up here
In Conversation with Yvonne Battle-Felton and Midge Gillies  Tuesday 12 November, 7-8pm BST Sign up here
In Conversation with Ellen Atlanta and Lucy Durneen  Tuesday 10 December, 7-8pm BST  Sign up here

