ISCA Archive ISCSLP 2008
ISCA Archive ISCSLP 2008

Prosodic Modeling for Isolated Mandarin Words and Its Application

Hung-Kuang Shih, Chen-Yu Chiang, Yih-Ru Wang, Sin-Horng Chen

In this paper, a new approach to syllable-based modeling of F0 contour, duration and energy for isolated Mandarin words is proposed. The syllable F0 contour model considers three major affecting factors, including lexical tone, syllable position in a word and inter-syllable coarticulation effect; while both the duration and energy models additionally consider one more affecting factor of base syllable type. Experimental results on a large single-speaker database showed that the method performed very well. Based on the prosodic model, a learning system for Mandarin word prosody pronunciation is designed and implemented for nonnative speakers. Index Terms— Prosody modeling, inter-syllable coarticulation effect, Mandarin word prosody pronunciation
