You're facing unrealistic client expectations. How do you navigate the fine line between promise and reality?
When clients expect the moon, grounding their hopes can be delicate. To walk this tightrope effectively:
- Communicate transparently about capabilities and limitations.
- Set realistic milestones and manage progress actively.
- Regularly reassess and adjust expectations to align with project developments.
How do you maintain a balance between promise and reality with your clients?
You're facing unrealistic client expectations. How do you navigate the fine line between promise and reality?
When clients expect the moon, grounding their hopes can be delicate. To walk this tightrope effectively:
- Communicate transparently about capabilities and limitations.
- Set realistic milestones and manage progress actively.
- Regularly reassess and adjust expectations to align with project developments.
How do you maintain a balance between promise and reality with your clients?
Maintaining a delicate balance between client expectations and project reality is crucial for long-term success. Here's how we approach it: 1. Transparent Communication: Clearly communicate project scope, limitations, and potential challenges. 2. Realistic Expectations: Set realistic expectations from the outset, avoiding overpromising. 3. Regular Updates: Provide frequent and transparent updates on project progress. 4. Empathy and Understanding: Listen actively to client needs and concerns. 5. Proactive Problem-Solving: Address issues promptly and offer solutions.
Hoy día tanto vendedor diciendo: Tenemos IA sin tenerla, en el siguiente sprint sale ese desarrollo, esa app está por salir, bla, bla, bla. Qué prefiere?, venta con sorpresas desagradables o transparencia con satisfacción. Un paradigma en ventas es que si no se "complace" al 100% todos los requerimientos y más no se puede cerrar un trato. Transparencia = Confianza -Diferencie entre necesidad vs deseos. -Establezca soluciones basadas en lo alcanzable (Explique las limitaciones técnicas de manera clara). -Plantee hitos tangibles y orientados de cubrir sus necesidades. ¿Qué opinan?
Managing unrealistic client expectations requires balancing empathy and clear communication. Acknowledge their vision to build rapport, then set realistic boundaries by explaining what’s feasible and its value. Break ambitious goals into phases, framing them as future possibilities. Document agreements to ensure clarity and accountability. Highlight trade-offs and let clients prioritize needs, fostering collaboration. Stay calm under pressure, focus on solutions, and avoid the blame game. Build buffers into timelines to manage challenges. Be a trusted guide, steering clients toward practical, valuable outcomes while maintaining trust.
Recomendo utilizar as técnicas de negociação, criadas pela Harvard Law School, a primeira chamada BATNA (Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement). Estude quais são as suas opções e as opções do cliente, caso a negociação não seja efetivada. Isso irá permitir que você negocie com confiança. A outra técnica, também da HLS, é o ZOPA (Zone of Possible Agreement). Será a área de saída das duas partes envolvidas.
Una vez, vendí un proyecto donde el cliente buscaba una solución de software que se ajustara a sus expectativas de diseño. Al final, no quedó satisfecho, porque sus expectativas cambiaban constantemente y nunca quedaba feliz con los mismos cambios que él mismo proponía. ¿Cuáles fueron las lecciones? 1.- Un cliente que cree saber lo que quiere, pero en realidad no sabe, puede ser un dolor de cabeza. Como vendedor consultivo, debemos entender cuáles son las prioridades principales que espera de su producto. ¿Diseño y experiencia de usuario? ¿Funcionalidad y capacidad? Si le piden al cliente, dividir sus prioridades en porcentaje, comprenderán con que cliente van a lidiar. 2.- Documentar y documentar, conversaciones, cotizaciones, etc...
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