Last updated on Sep 4, 2024

What do you do if virtual public speaking feedback feels overwhelming?

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In the digital age, where virtual public speaking is increasingly common, receiving a deluge of feedback can be daunting. You might find yourself sifting through a mix of comments, emails, and instant messages, each offering praise, suggestions, or criticisms. It's crucial to remember that feedback, even when overwhelming, is a valuable resource for growth. Start by acknowledging the emotions that come with the feedback—feeling overwhelmed is a natural response. Then, approach the feedback with a strategy: prioritize the comments based on their relevance and constructiveness, and give yourself permission to set aside feedback that isn't immediately actionable or helpful.

Key takeaways from this article
  • Delegate sorting tasks:
    Enlist a trusted team member to filter feedback, shielding you from potentially demoralizing comments while ensuring you still benefit from constructive insights.
  • Strategic feedback analysis:
    Systematically categorize feedback into 'Urgent', 'Important', or 'Low Priority' to manage overwhelm and focus on actionable insights that will truly elevate your skills.
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