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Employer reviews. Salaries and perks. Jobs in Algeria, Egypt, Morocco, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Tunisia and United Arab Emirates. A3malouna.com is part of Wherewework.com, a group of platforms present in 14 countries in CEE & MENA.

Human Resources Services
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11-50 employees
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    🌟 Maintaining a good image in the job market is essential, and it can help in every stage of the candidate journey—from drawing in the right talent to keeping them engaged and aligned with your organizational culture. Our comprehensive Employer Branding solution is designed to better support you throughout this entire process, ensuring you stand out for job seekers. Imagine being recognized not just for what you do, but for how you make your employees feel. With our strategic approach, you’ll grow your reputation, attract top talent, and build a workplace culture that retains and inspires. Ready to elevate your employer brand and become a sought-after employer in your community? 👉 Explore how our Employer Branding solutions can help you achieve these goals and transform your hiring strategy https://wherewe.work/mwJ

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    Ever had a colleague who just can’t resist telling you how to do your job? 😅 While hepling is great, it can be frustrating when someone doesn't trust your expertise. Balancing unsolicited advice with professionalism is important to a harmonious workplace. It’s better to appreciate and respect each other's skills and methods to foster a more respectful and productive environment.

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    💪 We know you want to start the week and tackle that task that's been lingering on your agenda for days. But sometimes prioritizing your tasks isn't your decision. If another task has popped up in your inbox that says "URGENT!" by the time you make that first click, you're forced to redirect your attention to it. And there you go again, procrastinating that task that's been on your mind even on the weekends. Our advice: apply for the job that really deserves you 👉 https://wherewe.work/4vV. Ready?

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    🌟 Are you starting a new job and eager to make a strong first impression? You can impress your new employer by preparing a 30-60-90 day plan before your first day. This strategic roadmap outlines how you'll approach your role in the first three months, with clear goals for learning, contributing, and making an impact. In the first 30 days, focus on understanding the company culture, processes, and expectations. ✅ The next 30 days should be about applying what you've learned and becoming more involved. By the final month, it's time to show that you're not just fitting in but also making a difference. Take the lead on projects, identify areas for improvement, and set long-term goals. Creating this plan demonstrates that you're proactive, organized, and committed to driving positive change from day one. It also gives you a clear path to success, helping you navigate the challenges of a new role with confidence and purpose.

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    💸 Surprisingly, researchers have discovered that 52% of the global workforce would willingly accept a 20% pay cut in exchange for an improved quality of life. 💡 This trend shows that more employees are stepping back from the constant grind and hustle of career advancement, choosing instead to focus on their well-being, even if it means making financial sacrifices. ✔️ While many employees feel connected to their roles at work, they increasingly recognize that a stressful job simply isn't worth the toll it takes on their health and happiness. HR leaders, are you ready to incorporate this insight into your strategy? And employees, are you among the 52% willing to make this trade-off? #A3malouna #Employer #work #WorkLife #مدير #WorkEnvironment #موظف #عمل #HRinsights #TopTalents #Employee #employeeappreciation

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    الشعور بالملل في العمل يحدث للجميع. إنه أمر طبيعي! ولكن ماذا يمكنك أن تفعل بشأنه؟ 🤔 ✅خذ استراحة: ابتعد عن مكتبك لفترة حتى وإن كان لتناول القهوة. ✅ تحدى نفسك: ابحث عن مشاريع جديدة أو مهام تساعد في تطوير مهاراتك وتحفيزك. ✅ابق منظمًا: أنشئ قائمة بالمهام وحدد أولوياتك لتبقى يقظ. ✅ اقرأ المقال كاملاً على موقعنا لتتعرف كيف تتعامل مع الملل في العمل. 🔗https://wherewe.work/wGG #A3malouna #jobflexibility #Employee #WorkLife #عمل #work #jobtips #WorkBoredom #الملل_في_العمل

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    Simplify your hiring and job searching process with A3malouna.✨ Our platform is designed to save time, reduce costs, and connect you with the best talent and opportunities. 👩💻For employers: 1- Cut hiring time by 20%. 2- The jobs remain listed for 45 days. 3- Full access to all applications. 4- Automatic posting on LinkedIn as well. 5- Career page & ATS integration. 6-Video integration 7-Customized external application 🤵For employees: Find your dream job with ease. 👉 Explore our website for further details: https://wherewe.work/V07 Or drop a comment specifying "Employer" or "Employee" for personalized assistance. #A3malouna #Employer #Recruitment #HeadHunting #Hiring #Application #CV #Jobs #Employee #Offer

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    هل سبق لك أن عدت إلى المنزل بعد يوم طويل من العمل وأنت تشعر بالتعب، دون أن تعرف ماذا أنجزت خلال اليوم؟😐 كلنا مررنا بهذه الحالة من نقص الإنتاجية خلال اليوم. إذا أردت أن تعرف كيف يمكنك زيادة إنتاجيتك اقرأ هذا المقال 🔗 https://wherewe.work/0Af #A3malouna #Work #Productivity #WorkLife

    7 طرق ستساعدك على زيادة إنتاجيتك في العمل

    7 طرق ستساعدك على زيادة إنتاجيتك في العمل


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    Curious about your employees' experience at your company? Are they feeling motivated and supported, or are there disconnects between expectations and reality? Employee experience is more than just a checklist—it's a continuous journey that begins with recruitment and extends throughout their time with your organization. How can you ensure your employees aren't among those who feel let down by mismatched expectations? ✅ Create a workplace built on authenticity and positivity. Foster open communication, transparency, and a healthy work-life balance. 👉 Discover how our Employer Branding solutions can: - Cut recruitment time by 50% - Increase interview attendance - Improve candidate engagement and more Find out how we set the right tone from the start through this link: 🔗 https://wherewe.work/V07 #A3mlaouna #EmployerBranding #Candidates #HRS #Reruitment #interview #InterviewAttendance

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