African Parliamentary Network on Internet Governance

African Parliamentary Network on Internet Governance

Non-profit Organizations

Empowering Parliamentarians roles in building strong digital institutions and development in Africa.

About us

The initiative is focused on facilitating dialogue and exchanges on key digital policy issues among parliamentarians and between parliamentarians (MPs) and other stakeholders from within and beyond the African continent. Target Audience The symposium is dedicated to members of national parliaments from African countries, including members of the Pan-African Parliament. The Parliamentarians will focus on the information and communication technology (ICT) related committees at the national or regional parliaments. Objectives Familiarise MPs with the IGF space and the broader international ecosystem for Internet governance and digital policy. Encourage them to actively contribute to relevant regional and international processes. Prepare MPs for participation in the IGF 2022 meeting and the dedicated parliamentary track, as well as future IGF meetings and activities. Update MPs on a predetermined set of Internet governance and digital policy issues of relevance for African countries. Facilitate dialogue on these issues with other parliamentarians from around the world, as well as with relevant international and regional organisations from different stakeholder groups (intergovernmental organisations, the technical community, private sector, civil society). Discuss the relevance of legislative work in shaping Africa’s digital future. Highlight issues that need to be considered when legislation for the digital space is developed (e.g. avoiding unintended consequences for the open and global nature of the Internet). Facilitate cooperation and exchanges of good practices with MPs from national and regional parliaments with advanced legislative work on digital policy issues. Expose the MPs to the various digital-related UN and AU frameworks: Agenda 2030, the Roadmap for Digital Cooperation, the Our Common Agenda Report, the AU Convention on Cyber Security and Personal Data Protection (Malabo Convention), and AU’s Digital Transformation Strategy and Data Policy Models.

Non-profit Organizations
Company size
2-10 employees
internet governance, governance, policy, technology, and digitaltransformation


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