Astronomy Outreach of Kosovo

Astronomy Outreach of Kosovo

Research Services

Vushtrri, Mitrovica 539 followers

Astronomy Outreach of Kosovo është programi më i lartë për shpërndarjen dhe popullarizimin e Astronomisë në Kosovë.

About us

Organizata jonë "Astronomy Outreach of Kosovo" është OJQ jo-profitabile, e cila ka për qëllim aktivitetin popullarizues të Astronomisë në Kosovë si dhe është programi më i lartë për shpërndarjën dhe popullarizimin e Astronomisë në Kosovë. Kjo organizatë u themelua me 10 janar 2015 dhe ka shtrirje hapësinore në tërë Kosovën. Themeluesja e klubit është Pranvera Hyseni. Veprimtaria jonë ka qenë e koncentruar kryesisht në edukimin e të rinjëve dhe qytetarëve të Kosovës rreth shkencës së astronomisë duke i ofruar vrojtime të objekteve të ndryshme qiellore përmes pajisjeve optike që zotron klubi. Gjerë më sot, organizata jonë ka realizuar një numër të madh të aktiviteteve edukativo-shkencore në shumë shkolla, universitete, qendra publike dhe ambiente të ndryshme, duke i’u dhënë rastin nxënësve, studentëve dhe qytetarëve të Kosovës të vrojtojnë trupat qiellor përmes pajisjeve optike (teleskopëve), të cilët organizata jonë i ka siguruar donacion nga institucione dhe organizata të ndryshme shkencore ndërkombëtare. Kemi vizituar gjithashtu dy qendra të NASAs (National Aeronautics and Space Administration), qendrën Kennedy Space Center në Florida dhe Marshall Space Flight Center në Alabama. Tek të dya këto qendra, jemi njohur nga afër me të gjitha makineritë hapësinore që janë ndërtuar nga inxhinier dhe ekspertë. Njohuri të shumëta kemi përfituar gjithashtu gjatë vizitave që i kemi realizuar në pesë Universitete Amerikane, duke përfshirë vizitën në Universitetin e Harvardit në Massachusetts, ku kemi krijuar lidhje me profesorë dhe studentë, me të cilët organizata jonë është në kontakt të vazhdueshëm. Organizata jonë “Astronomy Outreach of Kosovo” do të vazhdojë në këtë mënyrë, duke edukuar dhe duke nxitur të rinjët të marrin pjesë në studimin dhe vrojtimin e trupave qiellor. Shpresojmë që nga këto aktivitete, si organizatë dhe si shoqëri kosovare, do të përfitojmë dituri rreth shkencës së astronomisë.

Research Services
Company size
51-200 employees
Vushtrri, Mitrovica


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    Rruga "Vëllezërit Fazliu"-Shallc


    Vushtrri, Mitrovica 42000, XK

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Employees at Astronomy Outreach of Kosovo


  • Astronomy Outreach of Kosovo reposted this

    View profile for Bujar Mehmeti, graphic

    PhD Student and Research Assistant at University of Wisconsin-Madison

    During our time in Kosovo, as we prepared for the opening of the National Observatory and Planetarium, we were honored to meet with state heads and institutional leaders at various levels. We discussed about the project, and were honored by the extended exceptional hospitality, especially to our international guests. We had the privilege of meeting the Prime Minister of Kosovo Mr. Albin Kurti, President of the National Assembly Mr. Glauk Konjufca, Members of the Parliament as Mr. Valon Ramadani, Minister of Education, Science, Technology, and Innovation Mrs. Arbërie Nagavci, Mayor of the Municipality of Shtime Mr. Qemajl Aliu, Deputy-Mayor of the Municipality of Lipjan Mr. Diamant Bytyqi, Speaker of the Assembly of Lipjan Mr. Daut Azemi, and other officials. We are deeply grateful for their hospitality and the honor they bestowed upon us. I am also pleased to share that the story of the opening of this scientific center has been featured in one of the renowned American magazines in the field of astronomy, Sky & Telescope. Special thanks to Ms. Diana Hannikainen, who personally recognized each of us involved in this journey.

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  • Astronomy Outreach of Kosovo reposted this

    View profile for Bujar Mehmeti, graphic

    PhD Student and Research Assistant at University of Wisconsin-Madison

    The National Observatory and Planetarium of the Republic of Kosovo, featuring the largest solar telescope in Eastern Europe and the impressive C14" EdgeHD telescope, is now a reality. After nearly a decade of dedication and overcoming numerous challenges, the dream has been achieved. Pranvera Hyseni had a dream, we joined her, and today as Astronomy Outreach of Kosovo we are happy to have achieved this goal with the invaluable support of Celestron, LLC., SkywatcherUSA, and Charlie Bates Solar Astronomy Project and all other friends. This monumental project, initiated by Astronomy Outreach of Kosovo and supported by local and international partners, marks a significant milestone in the scientific development of our nation. We extend our deepest gratitude to all contributors and supporters who made this possible. Together, we have positioned Kosovo at the forefront of astronomical research and education. Here's to a future driven by scientific discovery and innovation in Kosovo!

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  • Astronomy Outreach of Kosovo reposted this

    After almost a decade of hard work, dedication, and dreaming, we have finally opened the doors to Kosovo’s National Observatory and Planetarium! 💫🪐🇽🇰 Since the grand opening, I’ve been so overwhelmed by a whirlwind of emotions that I haven’t been able to share anything until now. The lack of sleep, the constant worries, and the immense pressure have been balanced by a profound sense of happiness and accomplishment. 🥹 Standing on that stage, addressing everyone, I was deeply moved by the significance of what we’ve achieved together. This observatory is more than just a building. It is a symbol of hope and curiosity, a testament to what can be achieved when we dare to dream and reach for the stars. It represents the boundless potential within us all and serves as an inspiration for future generations to explore, discover, and innovate. Thank you to every single person who believed in this vision and worked tirelessly to bring it to life. Together, we’ve not only opened a gateway to the cosmos but also ignited a spark of wonder and possibility in our community. I apologize for not updating or responding to anyone—I’ve simply been processing the whole shock of this incredible milestone. In the coming days, I will be providing detailed updates and reflections on this journey. Astronomy Outreach of Kosovo Celestron, LLC. Sky-Watcher USA CHARLIE BATES SOLAR ASTRONOMY PROJECT INC 📷 Euron ilazi -Photography

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