CarbonBuilt, now available in any language! Increased and intentional collaboration across planners, designers, developers, and suppliers is the fastest way to make progress on urban decarbonization. Thanks to the Consortium for Sustainable Urbanization for hosting our Head of Carbon Impact to highlight how #ultralowcarbonconcrete can be part of the solution.
It's not everyday that we get to speak with such a wonderful audience of practitioners like the one we had at the UN the other day at the Consortium for Sustainable Urbanization! We talked #sustainabledevelopment, how smart urban policy like #bluehighways instead of #highways can promote more #sustainablecities, walkability, 15-minute cities, retrofitting, #embodiedcarbon, and how -- when you must build -- #ultralowcarbonconcrete is a here and now solution. Thank you to the organizers for the opportunity, and for my fellow panelists for their wisdom, experience, and purpose. cc: Yasemin Kologlu, Alison Landry, AIA, Layth Madi, Lauren Alger, PE CarbonBuilt