
Working together to minimise bycatch of ETP species in the North-East Atlantic, Baltic, and Mediterranean seas.

About us

We are working together to minimise bycatch of Endangered, Threatened and Protected (ETP) species in the North-East Atlantic, Baltic, and Mediterranean seas. Using cross-border and cross-sectoral collaboration involving stakeholders from 13 European countries, we are establishing regionally coordinated mitigation, monitoring, and assessment programmes in a selected group of fisheries with a higher risk of bycatch. Within a proactively fostered working environment characterised by mutual trust, safety, and cooperation, the consortium will build on a review of current approaches and learning from the case study fisheries to deliver an innovative toolbox designed to be integrated into policy and best practice in European fisheries management. CIBBRiNA is funded by the EU’s LIFE programme and runs from 2023 to 2029.

Company size
11-50 employees
Environment, Bycatch, Mitigation, Research, Marine, Fishing, Baltic, Mediterranean, Atlantic, and Conservation


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    CIBBRiNA is up and running! Our mission? To work together to minimise #bycatch of Endangered, Threatened and Protected (#ETP) species in the North-East Atlantic, Baltic, and Mediterranean. When commercial #fisheries accidentally catch ETP mammals, birds, turtles and elasmobranchs (or sharks, skates, and rays, in other words), there are many impacts on both our ecosystems and people – which means that addressing this issue will support both biodiversity and thousands of fishing livelihoods. But it will take lasting collaboration. With stakeholders from 13 European countries, CIBBRiNA is dedicated to crossing borders and sectors to establish bycatch mitigation, monitoring, and assessment programmes across a wide range of Case Study fisheries. To deliver on our mission, we are working within an inclusive environment of mutual trust, respect, and cooperation, so that we listen to the diverse perspectives, experiences, and knowledge of our stakeholders, including fishers, scientists, policy-makers, eNGOs, and many more. Realistically, the only effective ways to minimise ETP bycatch are those that are practical for #fishers out on the water – which is why our Case Studies will be so crucial to the work of developing context-specific solutions. Together, we will build on the know-how from existing successful approaches, test and refine measures, and explore the incentives, perceptions, and other socio-economic angles at play in the mitigation sphere. Then, in 2029, we’ll deliver a suite of measures which will contribute to policy goals for European fisheries management and guide international best practice – contributing to healthy marine ecosystems and more sustainable fisheries. Find out more now at Ministerie van Landbouw, Natuur en Voedselkwaliteit Centro Tecnológico del Mar – Fundación CETMAR AZTI DTU - Technical University of Denmark Wageningen University & Research

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    The OSPAR Commission — a member of CIBBRiNA’s Stakeholder Advisory Board — recently published its “Regional Action Plan for Marine Birds”, outlining actions to protect and conserve #marine #bird populations in the North-East #Atlantic, including ways to minimise marine bird #bycatch. The adoption of the 2024-2030 Plan follows OSPAR's “Quality Status Report 2023”, which highlighted ongoing challenges for marine birds driven by pressures like #habitat degradation and #climate change. Some of the actions the Plan will initially deliver are: 🛡️ Enhanced measures and international collaboration to protect marine bird species 🎣 Actions to minimise marine bird bycatch from all fishing gears 🌊 Best practices to help mitigate potential impacts of #offshore wind projects on marine bird populations 🪺 Step to protect breeding areas from invasive species and restore safe nesting habitats Read the Plan here:

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    Our case study spotlight series wraps up in the #NorthSea, where Case Study (CS) 8 is working with demersal trawl #fisheries to help understand the behaviour and improve the safe handling of #ETP species of #shark, skate, and ray – such as starry ray, flapper skate, and spiny dogfish. Efforts are already ongoing in these fisheries to enhance data collection on which species are ending up as #bycatch and in what numbers. Developing measures that allow #fishers to ultimately minimise their ETP bycatch without losing out on #fish catches will be more challenging. But CS8 plans to test from an array of promising possibilities to support progress on this, including: 🌊 Using underwater cameras to see how these species behave around trawl gears 👐 Best practice for the safe handling and release of animals brought aboard. With partners at the helm including WMR, ILVO, LNV, and SDN, we’re excited to see results from CS8 in the coming months and years! Find out more about our case studies and our work at

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    The International Whaling Commission (IWC) – one of CIBBRiNA’s partners – has released a new intersessional report, summarising the IWC's work, progress, and achievements made over the past two years in conserving #whale, #dolphin and #porpoise populations and advancing #cetacean research. Among the IWC’s work is the Bycatch Mitigation Initiative (BMI), which works to develop, assess, and promote effective bycatch mitigation measures worldwide. The BMI highlights CIBBRiNA as an initiative playing a key role in this. Read the full report here:

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    The European Association of fish Producers Organisations (EAPO) – a member of CIBBRiNA’s Stakeholder Advisory Board – has published its annual report, highlighting progress towards #sustainable practices in the #fishing industry. The report underscores EAPO’s active commitment to the EU Code of Conduct on Responsible Food Business and Marketing Practices, an initiative aimed at increasing transparency and reducing the #environmental impact of the #seafood supply chain. Highlights from the report include: 📣 Promotion of the Code among members and stakeholders, to encourage better alignment of business practices with the Code's objectives. 🛠️ Development of specific tools and resources to support the Code. 🤝 Continued collaboration with various stakeholders to foster relationships and share best practices. Read the report here:

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    How can #innovation in #fishing technology drive progress towards #sustainable fishing practices? Scientists from Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, the University of Split, and DTU Aqua – a CIBBRiNA partner – explore five drivers behind innovations that could be crucial to helping #fisheries reduce #bycatch of #ETP species and other environmental impacts. These are: 🐟 Enhancing gear to better target specific species and reduce bycatch 🛥️ Preventing interactions between #fisheries and protected species using methods to keep animals away from fishing gear 🎣 Improving the performance and efficiency of fishing operations using various techniques 🌊 Developing gear that can adapt to pressures such as #ClimateChange and changing #ocean conditions 🔎 Studying fish behaviour to inform the design of more sustainable fishing gear Read more here:

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    With data collection underway in CIBBRiNA Case Study (CS) 3, how exactly is it working to minimise ETP species #bycatch out at sea? A collaboration with the University of St. Andrews, CS3 is testing a method for tracking – in 3D – the movements of echolocating #cetaceans such as harbour #porpoises around static #fishing nets. The method, known as Passive Acoustic Monitoring (PAM), uses underwater microphones called hydrophone arrays to record #echolocation clicks – sounds produced by some cetaceans to locate objects around them. This allows researchers to track their movements around fishing nets. Previous PAM trials in UK waters have revealed various behaviours by harbour porpoises, such as foraging closely to nets. How could this help us to minimise bycatch? By monitoring the behaviour of cetaceans around nets, PAM could help researchers better test and understand the effectiveness of different bycatch mitigation measures – not just for harbour porpoises, but for other toothed #whale species too. Read more about the method here:

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    The European Commission has published a report reviewing the implementation of its “Technical Measures Regulation” in protecting #fisheries resources and #marine #ecosystems. Key to sustainable management of fisheries in the waters of #EU states, the regulation sets out #conservation measures which govern how, where, and when #fishing may take place. These measures are important in helping to minimise the impact of fishing activities on marine #biodiversity and #ecosystems. The report also highlights CIBBRiNA as an example of how technical measures are being implemented regionally, involving multiple Member States — such as those in the North Sea region and Western Waters. The report highlighted the adoption of 14 new rules for conservation and management, including: 🐬 Protection of the harbour #porpoise in the #Baltic Sea 🌊 Seasonal fishing closures to protect #Atlantic #halibut spawning areas Areas for future improvement: 🎣 Accelerate the uptake of measures to mitigate the impact of fishing on ETP species 🎯 More concrete and measurable targets on preventing the bycatch of ETP species 🤝 Continuing cooperation with and involvement of stakeholders to ensure successful implementation of measures Read the report here:

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    Next up in our CIBBRiNA Case Study (CS) spotlight is CS7, which focuses on minimising #bycatch of #seal, #shark and #cetacean species in pelagic trawl #fisheries across the Celtic Sea and Greater North Sea regions. These fisheries operate on a large scale, using fishing vessels ranging from 40 to 140 metres in length. CS7 is trialling various bycatch mitigation devices such as excluders, escape panels, and stop grids. These measures collectively work to keep the intended catch, while allowing other species, including #tuna, to swim freely out of the nets, and preventing larger #marine animals from becoming trapped. CS7 is also testing out pingers to help minimise #dolphin bycatch — acoustic devices that emit sounds to deter dolphins from approaching fishing nets. Trials at sea have been using cameras within fishing nets — to capture real-time footage of marine animals — as well as species recognition tools aboard #fishing boats to support fishers in identifying and recording any incidents of bycatch. So far, the measures are showing promising results! Learn more about our work with #European fisheries at:

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