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Climate Dividends

Climate Dividends

Environmental Services

Most robust & standard extra-financial indicator to trace companies' climate positive contribution back to investors.

About us

We're on a mission to foster investments towards solutions that contribute to carbon neutrality by avoiding/removing GHG emissions. We're a non for-profit co-founded early 2023 by ADEME, Mirova, Sweep, Team For The Planet, and the Kanopée Partage foundation. The association is currently chaired by Brune Poirson. Our daily job is to develop and promote adoption of the "Climate Dividend". Climate Dividends are an extra-financial indicator reflecting the positive climate positive contribution of a company (i.e avoided/removed GHG emissions). ➡️ Each year, a company can assess the avoided or removed CO2e emissions by its activity, using the standardized and transparent Climate Dividend Protocol. ➡️ An independent third-party then audits both the methodology and the calculations, which then enables each ton of CO2 avoided or removed to be “converted” into a Climate Dividend. ➡️ Finally, Climate Dividends can be distributed to the shareholders of these companies up to their % of capital ownership, thus directly tracing the positive contribution of their investments in these activities. ⚠️ Climate Dividends are extra-financial information. They are not tradable/monetizable and in no way can they be used to ‘offset’ the carbon footprint of participating companies. 👉 They provide a tangible and traceable measure of companies' and investments' positive climate contribution.

Environmental Services
Company size
2-10 employees

Employees at Climate Dividends


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