CoARA - Coalition for Advancing Research Assessment reposted this
Webinar on recognizing ORD in evaluation processes 📢 On 27. March, 10.00-11.00 CET we kick-off a thematic webinar series within the framework of the CoARA National Chapter Switzerland. The webinar series provides the opportunity to showcase work related to reforming research assessment and discussing it with a broader community. The first edition will focus on recognizing open research data (ORD) in evaluation processes. ➡️ Martin Jaekel and Sylvia Jeney will present the outputs of the recognize ORD (recORD) project and invite you to discuss the resulting recommendations, how they can be implemented and how relevant institutions can continue to collaborate to achieve that. ℹ️ The recORD consortium, including over a dozen of Swiss higher education institutions and the SNSF, developed recommendations, which aim to provide a solid and widely supported starting point for the implementation of better ORD recognition. 🔗 please register here: 🔗 more information on recORD visit: #webinar #ReformingRA #OpenResearchData CoARA - Coalition for Advancing Research Assessment | Swiss National Science Foundation SNSF | ZHAW Zurich University of Applied Sciences | ETH Zürich | University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland | University of Lausanne | Université de Fribourg - Universität Freiburg | Université de Neuchâtel | HES-SO Haute école spécialisée de Suisse occidentale | University of Bern | University of Zurich | Berner Fachhochschule BFH | University of Lucerne | University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland FHNW | FORS - Swiss Centre of Expertise in the Social Sciences | Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences