Didi Investpreneur

Didi Investpreneur

Wellness and Fitness Services

9-5er | A Crafter | 20+years in Health & Education | Writing, Money, Holistic Health

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Content Creator - Building Dimensions of Wealth - spiritual, financial, health, social and emotions

Wellness and Fitness Services
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    HOLISTIC HEALTH: NURTURING YOUR MIND, BODY AND SPIRIT TO LIVE ABUNDANTLY But I have come to give you everything in abundance, more than you expect - life in its fullness until you overflow. - The Script, TPT Forces and distraction are thieves that cause us to derail, making us lose focus until knowledge we encounter or an unpleasant event gets us back on track. For twenty years, I have worked in the health and education space, working hard on the job, but not on myself. In the past 3 years, dissatisfaction, stress from the job, and occasional body breakdown made me seek for more outside my job. Then, there was this thought, "even though, colleagues make you think you are indispensable, when you become incapacitated for any reason, work and colleagues will move on" I knew it was not just about not being sick in the body, the spirit and soul are also affected. The dissatisfaction and emptiness were not in the body; it was in the soul and may be a contributory factor to body breakdown. You see, the spirit, soul and body are interconnected and an injury to one is an injury to all. While I know they are connected, I needed to know more so I understand the mind, body and spirit connection to health. WHO defines health as a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. This definition beckons on me to work on me. While I'm aware the WHO definition of health is criticized in some quarters, the definition gives credence to holistic health. Holistic health encourages me to recognize the whole person: spiritual, mental, emotional, intellectual, physical, social, and spiritual. For the most part of my adult life as an employee, I have been focusing on being financially stable, making the other parts of me deficient. In the recent past, I made the decision to embark on the journey of holism; a journey I will share as I learn. 

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    10 DAILY HABITS TO CULTIVATE A GROWTH MINDSET FOR PERSONAL AND PROFESSIONAL SUCCESS A fanatic is one who can’t change his mind and won’t change the subject. Winston Churchill Ever heard, 'That is how it is done', from a friend, colleague or a family member? I have! It used to be frustrating then until I started reading about fixed and growth mindset. This helped me understand my flatmate, who I tried to convince to do something different to see if she could get a better result. It was as if I was pouring water on a smooth poreless surface, expecting it to absorb. To succeed in the changing and competitive world of career and business, a growth mindset is paramount. Here are 5 daily habits to immerse in to cultivate a growth mindset: Positive Affirmations Positive affirmations get into the subconscious and the subconscious gets to work to make the affirmation happen. Start your day with positive affirmations like, 'I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me' or 'I'm transformed by the renewing of my mind.' Lifelong Learning Learning expands the brain, and knowledge is power. As you learn, it moulds you, changes your beliefs and motivates you to explore new things. So make a habit of grabbing a new knowledge or skill daily through reading, online courses, videos or podcasts. Feedback and Reflection I know it can be challenging seeking feedback, but it is good for personal development. Seek both internal (self-reflection) and external feedback and use them to adjust and improve your life. Feedback refines your skills, helps you to adapt to different perspectives, and evolve continuously. Accept constructive criticism and reject labels that don't define you. Gratitude Practice A grateful heart places the mind in a position to learn and grow. You may choose to keep a daily gratitude journal. Be grateful for the progress you have made, lessons learnt from challenges and the opportunities of growth that lie ahead. Embrace Challenges Challenges strengthen us and improve our problem-solving skills. View challenges as opportunities for growth and stepping stones to success. So embrace challenges and enjoy the process while daily looking out for lessons to learn. And the bonus habit is sharing your progress in cultivating a growth mindset so that others can learn. The more you share, the more you learn; it makes you accountable and you will continue to nurture a resilient and proactive growth mindset that propels you toward personal and professional success.

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    3 MISTAKES I MADE IN MY CAREER AND WHAT I WOULD HAVE DONE DIFFERENTLY I have been working in the education sector for 20 years. It was exciting working in education because I saw it as a platform to achieve some goals. I achieved some cool stuff people would admire. It provided the opportunities to travel for conferences and holidays I got to the highest rank in my field I got some awards Most importantly for me, I impacted the lives of the younger generation. I'm grateful for what I've achieved and the seeds I have sown, which I pray will bring good harvest. However, if I could turn the hand of the clock, here are 3 mistakes I made and what I'd have done differently. I had limited social life It was all work and limited play, and my 'from home to work and back home" is not helping me in my present role. I buried myself in work and did not expand or nurture my social network. Now, I'm the head of units, it's a challenge accessing resources which would have been easier if I socialised. Your social network can buy for you what money can buy. I'd have created time to attend events, meet people and nurture relationships. I worked too hard on the job and not on me I should have worked on myself and the job simultaneously. I'm performance driven and there are limited staff, which meant there was always work to be done. My personal life and development suffered. I remember one day, I said to a colleague, "This job is wired to keep us busy so we don't do anything else" Work will always be there like my friend would tell me; so I'd have created time for other things important to me. I stayed too long on one job Recently, it dawned on me that my input far outweighs my output. This is because it's a job where other people's performance impacts my performance. Staying for 20 years only increased stress and frustration. Also, I feel that by staying long on a job; I limited my exposure. I'd have changed jobs which would have infused some life, exposure, experience and adventure.

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    WHY I DIDN'T QUIT AFTER FAILED BUSINESSES AND LOSS OF MONEY For the Lovers of God may suffer adversity and stumble seven times, but they will continue to rise over and over again - The Script, TPT I had written earlier about an ecommerce store I set up and made less than $100 in five years. Well, that was not the only side business I tried. I tried affiliate marketing, network marketing, and sales of physical products and digital products. I also signed up on fiverr to offer services. Oh, I must not forget that I started with writing and I self-published a book on Amazon that has brought in less than $50 in 9 years. Despite unsuccessful attempts at making money online, I still believe it is possible to make extra income as a 9-5ers. Here are the reasons I didn't quit: The challenge is not the business models People have become financially secure, independent, or free from these business models. Let's take network marketing, for instance, that many struggle with. Eric Worre has done well with it. Before I ran with a business model, I studied it to know the requirements and prospects. One factor I consider is to determine how it fits with my 9-5 job. So why did other people succeed, and I didn't? The challenge is Me I'm responsible for the failures I experienced with the side businesses. I consumed the lie that they were passive incomes. When marketers promote businesses, they are so persuasive using the right words that will trigger you to take action. It's one thing to set up a business, it's another thing to drive in the traffic that will generate sales. I didn't create time to plough in the efforts and resources to make the businesses work. I treated them as passive incomes too early. Identifying the problem makes it easier to find solutions that will turn things around. The strong crave for financial freedom Paychecks are too meagre to sponsor the 'places to go', 'things to do' and 'things to have'. I'm seriously yearning for time freedom to do things and go places which I've seen will not happen on a paid job. Time freedom can only be achieved when you are your own boss and you're in control. I need the time freedom to make the businesses work and I know that if I put in the efforts I put in my paid job, the businesses will be successful. Financial freedom is for those who decide they can attain it and put in the work to make it happen. My belief in "Once you can dream it, you can achieve it" My vision of myself tells me I can have successful businesses. I'm holding onto my vision and I'm not giving up. I also have the stories of those who have gone ahead of me to spur me on. If those who have gone ahead succeeded, then I can. As we learn from those who have gone ahead, it will be easier to succeed. I'll keep working on myself and my business until they both get to the tipping point and flow. 

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    THE POWER OF CONSISTENCY: DEVELOPING THE HABIT TO DRIVE BUSINESS SUCCESS “Hey Guys!, listen. I just read an article that says consistency is the secret sauce in building a successful side business,” said Zuri, interrupting work. Zuri, Chuks and Amani are neighbourhood friends who went to the same college and then joined the same media company at different times. They are known in the company as Zuri the writer, Chuks the graphic designer and Amani the Video Editor. While Chuks and Amani would complain about take home pay not being enough, Zuri would suggest they start side businesses. She opined that they've got the skills to venture on their own. Although they discussed this often, they hadn't really taken it seriously. Zuri had written a few times, but none of them had made money outside their 9-5 jobs. “How are we supposed to be consistent when we are working hard on this job? Where is really the time for us to have a side business?” Chuks grumbled. "Exactly! How do you do that when you work late into the night?" Amani chipped in. Exasperated, Zuri let out a grunt. “When are we going to stop complaining and start strategizing on how to take action?” Chuks stopped designing and gave a gaze that spelt, 'Surely, you know how things are!' Com'on Zuri! Feeling frustrated with her friends and in a raised voice, she said, “You remember where there is a will, there is a way, right? I can conclude there is no will.” “Calm down Zuri, you are drawing attention to us,” Chuks whispered, drawing her attention to her raised voice. Amani, is a 'half bread is better than none' guy; he is hesitant to leave his comfort zone to venture into running his own business. He wasn't ready to go in the proposed direction; so he refused to engage in the conversation. "Are you guys not tired yet?” Zuri continued. "I yearn to do what I want, when I want, and how I want. I hate the fact that I live paycheck to paycheck" Chuks sighed. Then he asked, “What do we do? You have tried to make money from writing, but it failed.” "That is why this article on consistency struck me! I failed because I was not consistent. Yes, because we have this job, we have limited time. I'm understanding now that I will never have time for my side business. I must create it." "Ha! create time? Good luck with that!" Chuks exclaimed and returned to work. Silence as Zuri went into deep thought. After 5 minutes, she said, "I could start by writing and posting every Saturday." It sounded like a perfect plan. Emphatically, she said, "Yes, I will schedule writing into Saturdays and stick to it." In Chuks' head, a light bulb switched on. 

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    BEYOND GYM: FINDING WIN-WIN WAYS TO STAY ACTIVE AND ACHIEVE MORE THAN EXERCISE Three years ago, workers in my organisation went on national strike and the government pulled out 'No Work, No Pay' and enforced it. We were on strike for 6 months and I had to cut down expenses. I stopped my gym subscription. Since then I've saved money on gym subscriptions as I found other ways to stay active. Here are some ways you can stay active at home and keep fit. Aerobic Exercises From brisk walking, stationary cycling, jumping ropes, stair climbing to dancing help me elevate my heart rate and burn calories. Aerobic exercises help me burn calories, increase stamina, and lower blood pressure. Other benefits include a decrease in stress and anxiety, heart, lung and muscles are fit and better mood and sleep. During aerobic exercises, you may choose to listen to music, audio book or daydream. Daydreaming fosters creativity. I also use these periods to think through problems. I've had creative ideas come to me while exercising. Household chores I deliberately don't delegate some house chores, so that I get to do some work around the house. This decision came about after I went to an aunt's place for a party. I lost weight and could fit comfortably into my dress for the party after 2 - 3 days of running errands. I did stair climbing then, and I didn't skip meals. These days I do house chores while listening to an audio book. In the end, it is a win-win situation - I get a clean house; I exercise and I learn. Aerobics and household chores offer options to stay active, have fun, learn, strategize, generate ideas, and maintain a healthy lifestyle outside the traditional gym environment

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    7 INSPIRATIONAL QUOTES TO ENCOURAGE CONSISTENCY FOR BUILDING A SUCCESSFUL BUSINESS After years of trying to set up a side business to no avail, but of course knowing what the challenge is, I'm trying consistency, the secret sauce in building a successful side business. I know there may be bumps and potholes on the road to success, so I have armed myself with some quotes to stay motivated. Anytime you feel discouraged and want to give up, refer to these quotes to spur you on. Quote 1 With consistency and reps and routine, you're going to achieve your goals and get where you want to be. Mandy Rose This quote gingers me to keep showing up, patiently working and focusing on my goals, and then I can get to where I want to be. Quote 2 Success isn't always about greatness. It's about consistency. Consistent hard work leads to success. Greatness will come. Dwayne Johnson I understand from this quote that the great people I admire became great by being consistent in their endeavours. Quote 3 Trust is built with consistency. Lincoln Chafee Indeed, building an audience online and gaining their trust requires consistency. Quote 4 We all have to start somewhere, and doing something is better than nothing at all. Start small so you don't get discouraged and give up. Remember, it is all about consistency. Khloe Kardashian An outstanding success story started from doing the small things, which compounded the outstanding achievement we admire. Quote 5 Having a story is what people connect with, but the story alone doesn't allow you to achieve greatness and results. It's the day-to-day consistency of providing value to your audience. Lewis Howes Pitching my tent on one milestone will not cut it because success is a moving target and if I don't keep the fire burning, the audience will migrate. Even if you experience failure, don't give up. Perhaps what you need to do may be to change strategies. Stay committed, find joy in your work, and continually seek ways to reach your goals. By all means, don't give up; for success thrives on consistency.

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    6 Actionable Tips On How To Boost Energy And Stay Alert To Work On Your Side Business After Work Take a power nap of about 20 - 30 minutes Do some exercise to increase blood flow and alertness Stay hydrated to boost your energy Eat a light, healthy meal to avoid sluggishness Practice deep breathing to increase focus and alertness Listen to your favorite high-energy music to keep you awake and motivated Explore which works for you to combat sleep and stay productive 

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    It’s a challenge for some 9–5ers to get out of their comfort zone and grow their personal brand. Personal branding is about cultivating your image online, employing skills, experiences, and personality traits to differentiate you from others and help you stand out in your niche. You create an image that your audience can remember and develop a familiarity and relatability with your brand. Through my intermittent attempts at building my online brand, I’ve discovered the importance of specific skills for achieving success. I’m going to share with you the 3 key skills I’m focusing on to build my personal brand. Writing The fact is that every business starts with writing. I remember setting up an e-commerce store and waiting for sales. Yes, you read right! How could anyone find my site if I don’t inform people? How will I inform or attract customers if I don’t write? Yes, what the site requires is marketing. How do you market without writing? Writing is a vital and creative way to build an audience and your personal brand. Networking Building a personal brand requires you to build relationships. Networking is one way to build relationships. Interacting with people online gets you noticed. People seeking to know more of you will locate your digital platform and interact with you there. The more you interact, the more it enhances your personal brand. Networking exposes you to all you need to grow a personal brand. Consistency Writing and networking will not impact your brand if you are not consistent. Consistency is the power that compounds your efforts at writing and networking. Sporadic activities will only discourage you and make you think that building a successful personal brand online is a faux. Consistency is the thread that weaves other skills you employ in building your personal brand, giving you a unified image, and helping you stand out. Consistency helps you create a cohesive and authentic image of you, leading to stronger relationships and greater opportunities. Some 9–5er convince themselves that the market is saturated and they don’t see how they can stand out in the crowd. These 3 skills are the basics you’ll need to wade through the crowded market and noise to create a distinct identity that sets you apart against all odds.

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    CONFLICT RESOLUTION: 2 LESSONS FROM PERSONAL EXPERIENCE THAT MAY HELP YOU IMPROVE YOUR RELATIONSHIPS Conflict resolution is a valuable learning experience in both personal and professional settings, but some people shy away from it. For years, I had a friend who I perceived was controlling and always wanted me to go with his suggestions all the time. Indeed, he was very imposing. There were times I’d be harsh, so he would get the message and let me be. Unfortunately, he was this kind of person when he cares for you; he stays no matter how you try to cut the relationship off. People stay in relationships for different reasons, and sometimes only distance separates them. After a while, I developed some coping mechanisms, but it did not erase the fact that I was feeling caged, and not allowed to be me. I felt I was not permitted to think. The times I ignored his suggestions or advice and did what I strongly believed I should do about the situation, he’d get upset. He’d take a decision on my behalf and expect me to accept it. His response on one occasion he did that and I express my displeasure was, “After all these years, you should know I’ve your best interest at heart” While he may have my best interest at heart, humans evolve and what he thinks is the best may not be. When I stopped reacting negatively, and calmly expressed how I was feeling about the relationship. He responded in a manner I didn’t expect. Our relationship has since improved. I’m freer now to do things the way I want. I can decide to go with his suggestions or not and there are no issues. Now I wished I had resolved the conflict earlier. Resolving this conflict taught me some lessons I’d like to share with you. Perceptions may be wrong My friend didn’t mean his attempts at being protective and caring to appear as controlling. I recall telling him, “You are trying to make me not think for myself. When you’re not there, what happens to me?” His facial expressions and his profuse apology made me realise that he didn’t intend to keep me dependent on him. After the discussion, I noticed a significant change in our relationship. Honestly, the change was quicker than I expected. I see him making deliberate efforts not to impose himself anymore. Resolving Conflict may bring healing After we resolved our conflict, I exhaled. All the bottled emotions fizzled out like gas escaping from a carbonated drink when opened. Feeling heard and understood after so long made me experience some emotional release and I found relief. Indeed, dealing with emotions openly and constructively has improved our relationship. This conflict resolution experience is encouraging me not to shy away from resolving conflict anymore, but to always find constructive ways to express myself. Resolving conflicts can lead to improved relationships, problem-solving skills and personal growth.

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