About us

Galaxy Entertainment Group ("GEG") is a leading Asian gaming company, which since 2002, has held a gaming concession from the Macau SAR Government. Our business has evolved to include 3 City Clubs, the Starworld Hotel and the iconic Galaxy Macau which opened in May 2011. The success of these ventures has positioned GEG for significant growth in the coming years. May 2015 saw the launch of the second phase of Galaxy Macau which included an expanded retail and F&B offering, as well as two new hotels - the JW Marriott and an all-suite Ritz Carlton. In addition, we also launched Broadway Macau, where the sights, taste and sounds of Asia and the most authentic aspects of Macau are up close and personal. Our long term growth includes the future development of Phase 3 & 4 of Galaxy Macau, a US$1.6 Billion investment into developing a resort on the neighboring Hengqin Island as well as exploration of other business opportunities across Asia. For more information on our developments, please visit; www.galaxyentertainment.com - Galaxy Entertainment Group www.galaxymacau.com - Galaxy Macau www.broadwaymacau.com.mo - Broadway Macau www.starworldmacau.com - Starworld Macau To explore career opportunities at Galaxy Entertainment Group, please visit www.MyGalaxyCareer.com

Company size
10,001+ employees
Public Company
Casino, Entertainment, Hopitality, Dining, and Leisure resorts

Employees at Galaxy Entertainment Group


  • 日前,銀娛受邀到澳門城市大學舉辦以啟發未來職涯為主題的職涯發展講座,向學生們介紹公司文化和實習生計劃,分享休閒企業的行業趨勢、職業規劃以及如何在競爭激烈的環境中脫穎而出。希望大家能從中獲得啟發,並勇於追尋自己的職業夢想。 如果您對銀娛的職位感興趣,請隨時關注我們的頁面,獲取更多資訊! 再次感謝大家的熱情參與,期待在未來的活動中再次見到您們! Recently, GEG was invited to hold a career talk at the City University of Macau, themed “Inspiring Future Careers.” The talk introduced students to the company culture and internship programs, sharing industry trends in the leisure enterprise, career planning, and how to stand out in a competitive environment. We hold everyone finds inspiration and is encouraged to pursue their career dreams. If you are interested in positions at GEG, please feel free to follow our page for more information! Thank you once again for your enthusiastic participation, and we look forward to seeing you at future events! #geg #mygalaxycareer #university #internship #careertalk #joinus

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  • 【對接“1+4”人才培養及技能提升】配合經濟適度多元發展 培養產業發展所需人才 為配合綜合旅遊休閒產業對人才的需求,勞工事務局與各綜合旅遊休閒企業合作推出不同的專項培訓計劃,通過“先入職、後培訓”方式,企業向僱員提供針對性的技能培訓。Kopper於2023年3月參加了勞工局與銀河娛樂集團合辦的第一期“銀娛菁英發展計劃”,獲聘用為貴賓專員,在入職後一年期間接受不同培訓包括葡萄酒認證、福布斯標準、澳門職業技能認可基準、初級管理技巧、職業安全健康等,憑著Kopper工作上的優秀表現,完成計劃後獲晉升為前堂主任。Kopper表示透過在職培訓,可以更專注學習,效果事半功倍,從培訓中學習到的知識和技能,對工作處事能力及自信心均有所提升。Kopper感謝企業管理層及上司給予帶薪學習的機會,並推薦其他有志投身相關產業人士參與各類專項培訓計劃,認為應多嘗試不同的事物,特別是對一些感興趣的事情。 #DSAL #localyouthtalent #GEG #asianheart #development #IRyouth #joinus

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  • 澳門銀河 嘉佩樂 嘉佩樂酒店及度假村秉持出類拔萃的品質與卓爾不凡的服務理念,聯結賓客與酒店在地的獨特情感,享譽全球,致力將極致奢旅體驗提升至新境界。 呈現澳門奢旅卓越款客之道。 一系列精彩機遇即將登場!密切關注銀娛招聘網站、我的銀娛事業臉書及微信官方帳號,緊貼「澳門銀河」最新招聘消息,敬請期待! Capella at Galaxy Macau Globally acclaimed for category defining quality, exceptional service and authentically connecting insightful guests to the unique locations of its properties, Capella Hotels and Resorts promises to bring “excellence in the craft of hospitality” to new heights. Introducing the most elevated luxury hospitality experience in Macau. Please stay tuned on MyGalaxyCareer.com, and our Facebook and WeChat pages for the latest pre opening opportunities at Galaxy Macau!

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  • 澳門銀河 嘉佩樂 銀河娛樂集團首次與全球領先、榮膺Travel+Leisure 雜誌 2023 及 2024 年「全球最佳酒店品牌」的嘉佩樂合作, 為「澳門銀河 ™ 」 帶來 第九家豪華酒店。 呈現澳門奢旅卓越款客之道。 一系列精彩機遇即將登場!密切關注銀娛招聘網站、我的銀娛事業臉書及微信官方帳號,緊貼「澳門銀河」最新招聘消息,敬請期待! Capella at Galaxy Macau Galaxy Entertainment Group, market leaders in bringing to life unparalleled hospitality partnerships with the world’s leading hotel brands, announces a landmark tie up with Capella Hotels and Resorts named Best Hotel Brand in the world by Travel+Leisure Magazine in 2023 and 2024 Introducing the most elevated luxury hospitality experience in Macau. Please stay tuned on MyGalaxyCareer.com, and our Facebook and WeChat pages for the latest pre opening opportunities at Galaxy Macau!

  • 【銀娛藉「美味菜餚出品的揭秘」系列工作坊三單元活動助業界鞏固食安標準】 #銀娛 一直通過多元方式助力深化澳門「旅遊+美食」融合發展,今年我們與旅遊局、市政署攜手推出橫跨3個季度、涵蓋3個單元的「美味菜餚出品的揭秘」系列工作坊,最後一個單元活動日前在 #銀河國際會議中心 順利舉行,由銀娛代表及供應商合作夥伴向旅遊、餐飲業界及中小企等分享有關食材及供應商選購、運送過程及收貨流程等資訊,協助他們深入了解大型綜合度假城的食品安全供應鏈管理,藉此深化其專業知識,提升綜合競爭力。系列工作坊共吸引逾600名代表參與,獲業界正面反饋。 此外,因應上一單元中參觀 「#澳門銀河™」 中央廚房活動迴響熱烈,我們於同日亦接待了由市政署及廣東省市場監督管理局組織的近30名廣東省食品業界代表,帶領他們參觀「澳門銀河™」中央廚房,認識銀娛的高規格餐飲管理系統及作業程序,助力促進粵澳業界交流。未來,銀娛將繼續舉行和支持更多不同類型的活動,助力培育更多旅遊及餐飲業人才,推動澳門「創意城市美食之都」的可持續發展。 【GEG Holds Three Modules of the “Behind the Scenes of Star Cuisine” Workshop Series to Strengthen the Food Safety Standards of the Industry】 #GEG has been actively supporting the integrated development of “tourism + gastronomy” in Macau through various initiatives. This year, we partnered with the Macao Government Tourism Office (MGTO) and the Municipal Affairs Bureau (IAM) to launch the “Behind the Scenes of Star Cuisine” workshop series, which spans three quarters and consists of three distinct modules. The final module was held recently at the #GalaxyInternationalConventionCenter, where representatives from GEG and our suppliers shared valuable insights with the local tourism and F&B sectors, as well as SMEs, on topics such as food ingredient procurement, supplier selection, and the delivery and receiving of goods to deepen their understanding of food safety supply chain management in large-scale integrated resorts, enhance their professional knowledge, and improve their overall competitiveness. The workshop series attracted over 600 participants and received positive feedback from the industry. Moreover, following the enthusiastic response received from the participants of the second module regarding their visit to the Central Production Kitchen of #GalaxyMacau™, we provided a guided tour for approximately 30 representatives from the Guangdong Province’s F&B industry, a delegation arranged by IAM and the Guangdong Administration for Market Regulation on the same day. The delegation toured our Central Production Kitchen facilities to learn about GEG’s high-standard food management systems and operational procedures, further strengthening the exchanges between Macau and Guangdong. Moving forward, GEG will continue to organize and support diverse activities aimed at cultivating additional talents for the tourism and F&B sectors, and promote the sustainable development of Macau as a “Creative City of Gastronomy”. #銀河娛樂集團 #創意城市美食之都 #GalaxyEntertainmentGroup #CreativeCityofGastronomy

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  • 【銀娛星途之旅 - 廖嘉偉先生】 土生土長的Andy,憑著對工作的熱誠及不斷學習,由銀河酒店前堂助理經理,晉升多次至現時的澳門銀河   嘉佩樂總經理。他認為銀娛提供多元化的培訓及學習機會,對他的事業發展大有幫助。 銀娛積極培育本地人才,加入銀娛,開啟非凡之旅。 #GEG #銀娛 #MyGalaxyCareer #銀娛星途之旅 #GEGStars #CareerDevelopment #ProfessionalGrowth #TeamMemberSuccess 

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  • 澳門銀河 嘉佩樂 嘉佩樂酒店及度假村秉持出類拔萃的品質與卓爾不凡的服務理念,聯結賓客與酒店在地的獨特情感,享譽全球,致力將極致奢旅體驗提升至新境界。 呈現澳門奢旅卓越款客之道。 一系列精彩機遇即將登場!密切關注銀娛招聘網站、我的銀娛事業臉書及微信官方帳號,緊貼「澳門銀河」最新招聘消息,敬請期待! Capella at Galaxy Macau Globally acclaimed for category defining quality, exceptional service and authentically connecting insightful guests to the unique locations of its properties, Capella Hotels and Resorts promises to bring “excellence in the craft of hospitality” to new heights. Introducing the most elevated luxury hospitality experience in Macau. Please stay tuned on MyGalaxyCareer.com, and our Facebook and WeChat pages for the latest pre opening opportunities at Galaxy Macau!

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  • 銀娛一直致力於培養本地人才,並積極為本澳居民提供多元化的職業機會。在過去三個月內,銀娛持續推動本地招聘活動,舉辦了超過70場本地招聘日,其中包括與勞工事務局合辦的專場配對日、銀娛菁英計劃、銀娛職涯規劃建議工作坊以及銀娛綜合度假城實習招聘日等,旨在吸引更多優秀人才加入銀娛團隊。 這些活動提供了多樣的職位選擇,使求職者能夠深入了解銀娛的企業文化和發展願景。透過一系列招聘活動,我們希望幫助更多本地人才找到合適的工作,實現他們的職業理想。 如欲了解最新的職位資訊及活動動態,敬請密切關注我們的招聘網站及招聘渠道。我們期待未來能與更多優秀的本地人才攜手,共同推動企業和社會的發展,攜手共創美好未來! GEG is committed to nurturing local talent and actively providing diverse career opportunities for residents of Macau. Over the past three months, GEG has been promoting local recruitment activities, hosting more than 70 local recruitment days. These include DSAL Exclusive Career Day , GEG IR Youth Development Program, GEG Career Planning Workshops, and Internship Recruitment Days etc. All aimed at attracting more exceptional talent to join us. These events offer a variety of job opportunities, allowing local talents to gain a deeper understanding of GEG's corporate culture and development vision. Through this series of recruitment activities, we aim to help more local talent find suitable career and achieve their career aspirations. For the latest job openings and event updates, we encourage interested parties to reach our recruitment website and channels. We look forward to collaborating with more outstanding local talent in the future, working together to drive the development of both our company and society, and to create a brighter future! #GEG #DSAL #IRyouth #youth #development #workshops #internship #joinus #careers 

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  • 【啟發未來職涯 - 銀娛職涯發展講座】 日前,銀娛受邀到澳門科技大學舉行職涯發展講座,為一眾大學生介紹公司文化和實習生計劃,分享了行業資訊及休閒企業的發展前景,為學生配對適合的職涯發展方向,激發了大家對未來職業生涯的思考和規劃。 講座吸引近百位大學生參與,現場反應熱烈,感謝各位同學的熱情支持,希望您們能將所學的知識應用到實際中,積極探索自己的職涯方向。 【Inspiring Future Careers - GEG Career Development Talk】 Recently, GEG was invited to hold a Career Talk at the Macau University of Science and Technology, where we introduced our company culture and internship programs. We shared industry insights and the development prospects of the leisure enterprise. Helped students identify suitable career development directions. This sparked their thoughts and planning regarding future career paths. The career talk attracted nearly a hundred university students, and the response from students was enthusiastic. We thank all the students for their passionate support and hope that you can apply the knowledge gained to real-life situations and actively explore your career directions. #geg #mygalaxycareer #joinus #internship #careertalk #must #youth #development

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    【銀娛綜合度假城的實習計劃招聘日圓滿舉行】 銀娛對培養本地青年人才的承諾,並積極提供多樣化的實習機會。近日,銀娛舉辦了2025年上半年實習計劃的招聘活動,吸引了近百名本地大專院校學生參加。此次計劃提供超過90個職位,涵蓋酒店、餐飲、會展、財務及公共關係等多個領域。活動當天,招聘代表向學生們詳細介紹了公司的文化及實習計劃的內容,讓他們能深入了解公司文化和各崗位的多元學習機會及發展前景。感謝同學們的熱情參與,相信你們在實習期間將獲得寶貴的經驗。 【GEG Integrated Resort Internship Program Career Day was successfully Completed】 GEG commitment to nurturing local youth talent through diverse internship opportunities. Recently, GEG held a recruitment event for its internship program for the first half of 2025, attracting nearly 100 students from local universities. This program offers over 90 positions across various fields, including Hotel operations, F&B, MICE Operations, Entertainment, Finance, and Public Relations. On the day of the event, recruitment representatives introduced students to the company culture and detailed the internship program, allowing them to gain insight into the diverse learning opportunities and career prospects available in different roles. We extend our gratitude to the students for their enthusiastic participation, and we believe that you will gain invaluable experience during this internship. #GEG #Internship #Youth #Joinus #銀娛 #實習計劃 

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