📢 JOB OPPORTUNITY - Green SKHy 🙋 Pôle Véhicule du Futur is recruiting for the position of European project officer for our project Green SKHy! Play an active role in the deployment of our activities in close collaboration with hydrogen industry players (visits of hydrogen installations, study on skills needs, ...) to develop professional skills 💧
Green SKHy - A transnational initiative for hydrogen skills
International Affairs
Supported and funded by Interreg North-West Europe
About us
The aim of our project is to promote the development of the clean hydrogen sector by reducing the obstacles to the European recognition of skills and related systems through joint action plans and by promoting careers that can contribute to the energy transition through new practical training schemes. This ambition involves networking the actors in charge of skills and certifications, developing and testing specific training and acculturation modules, and implementing campaigns to promote the hydrogen sector and its opportunities. By bringing together within the consortium companies, public authorities as well as the main actors of initial and continuous training, the project should therefore support the development of a key sector for the energy transition by ensuring the empowerment of a large audience.
- Website
External link for Green SKHy - A transnational initiative for hydrogen skills
- Industry
- International Affairs
- Company size
- 2-10 employees
- Type
- Nonprofit
- Founded
- 2024
- Specialties
- Wasserstoff, Energieumwandlung, Hydrogen, energy transition, renewable energies, Hydrogène, Formation, Training, Universities, and Transnational
🚀 A great hydrogen meeting at the Lycée Bérégovoy in Nevers (FR)! 💧 The Pôle Véhicule du Futur organised an afternoon with BTS students from the ‘All-Energy Motorisations’ sector on the 13th of February. Around fifteen students and several teachers interacted with the various speakers and focus on the hashtag #hydrogen in the Région Bourgogne-Franche-Comté. Bertrand BOIVERT from Pôle Véhicule du Futur and Hynamics gave an update on hydrogen stations in Burgundy-Franche-Comté. Mehmet Birsen also presented our project ‘Green SKHy’ before taking questions from the students. Interreg North-West Europe (NWE) Interreg Europe du Nord-Ouest - Points de contact FR Club H2 BFC
👩🎓 Final days of TTT2 on hydrogen mobility 🚗 The end of our train-the-trainer session in Spa/Francorchamps and Liège (BE) and a lot of satisfaction for the 12 participants from France, Germany, Belgium and Luxembourg. Many thanks to Technifuturs trainers Julien Ory and Marc Nélis for their invaluable insights, to Pierre Dewallef for welcoming us at the lab of the ULiège and to Sebastien Petithan, Cendrine Marchal and Frédérik Cambier for organising the event! 👏 See you at the AFPA in Metz (FR) on March 17 for the TTT3 on H2 maintenance! Interreg North-West Europe (NWE) Interreg Europe du Nord-Ouest - Points de contact FR Interreg NWE - Kontaktstelle Deutschland CNFPC Kolping Bildung Deutschland gGmbH Université de Liège Pierre Dewallef
💬 H2: a Win-Win cross-border challenge 💧 The President of Région Grand Est, Franck Leroy, talks to France Hydrogène about the region's unique geographical location and its hydrogen strategy in conjunction with neighbouring countries. A winning bet, given that the RHYn, HY-FEN and Emil'HY projects will receive financial support from the European Commission. NaTran (ex GRTgaz) Creos Deutschland Encevo Anamaria Zianveni (Constantinescu) Francois Martin DINAMHySE GazelEnergie Initiative Trinationale Hydrogène 3H₂ TRION-climate Klimapartner Südbaden Eloise Hannequin
🛠️ Our Train-the-trainer (TTT) session continues at Technifutur 👩🎓 Practical activities on the programme: ⚡ Battery assembly/disassembly on fuel cell vehicles 💧 Demonstration of H2 training equipment Today, it's off to Seraing to visit the laboratories of the Université de Liège and the industry training centre of Technifutur. A great group dynamic and exciting discussions! Interreg North-West Europe (NWE) Interreg Europe du Nord-Ouest - Points de contact FR Nationale Kontaktstelle - Interreg NWE AFPA Kolping Bildung Deutschland gGmbH CNFPC
🌱 2nd Train-the-trainer session💧 Our second session started yesterday in Spa/Francorchamps (BE) with Belgian, French, Luxembourg and German technical trainers. Our focus this week is on hydrogen mobility thanks to the expertise of Technifutur 🏎️⛽ Thank you BREUER - TECHNICAL - DEVELOPMENT for welcoming us this afternoon! Interreg North-West Europe (NWE) Interreg Europe du Nord-Ouest - Points de contact FR Nationale Kontaktstelle - Interreg NWE AFPA Kolping Bildung Deutschland gGmbH Stefanie Marx Faculté des Sciences Appliquées - ULiège CNFPC #hydrogen #training #VET #mobility
⏪ Looking back to 2024 🔙 Last retrospective to the 1st year of our project through our communication report. This is an opportunity to look back at our first achievements, particularly our events for the general public: 🚀 21-22.02: Kick-off meeting in Helmond (NL) 💧 19.03: Transnational seminar with EURES Grande Région / Großregion in Metz (FR) 🚌 June: Cross-border Tour of Hydrogen (DE-LU-FR) 👨🎓 October: Start of TTT in Völklingen (DE) and our Autumn School in Belfort (FR) Enjoy your reading! Interreg North-West Europe (NWE) Interreg Europe du Nord-Ouest - Points de contact FR Nationale Kontaktstelle - Interreg NWE AFPA Université de Lorraine Université du Luxembourg Haute école d'ingénierie et d'architecture de Fribourg (HEIA-FR) Université de Liège Cluster TWEED Pôle Véhicule du Futur Klimapartner Südbaden Kolping Bildung Deutschland gGmbH Ministère de l'Éducation nationale, de l'Enfance et de la Jeunesse RAI Automotive Industry NL université de Franche-Comté Technifutur Rijksuniversiteit Groningen PLANET GbR Deutsche WindGuard ACE Mobility - Automotive Center of Expertise
Green SKHy - A transnational initiative for hydrogen skills reposted this
💡 Quand la formation professionnelle rencontre l'innovation hydrogène : le projet Green SKHy développe de nouveaux dispositifs de formation transnationaux ! Nouvelle étape pour notre projet européen primé aux Hydrogénies 2024 : une soirée exceptionnelle à l'Ambassade de Suisse en France en présence de Mme l’ambassadrice Tania Cavassini. Pourquoi Green SKHy - A transnational initiative for hydrogen skills ? Un constat partagé à l'échelle européenne : 85% des métiers de l'hydrogène sont en tension et une filière qui décolle (100 000 emplois d'ici 2030), des compétences à construire, une urgence d'agir. L'#Afpa Grand Est coordonne cette initiative stratégique de 6.8M€, financée par Interreg North-West Europe (NWE). Une position qui renforce notre rôle d'architecte des compétences de demain et enrichit notre offre de formation H2 en lien avec nos incubateurs de compétences soutenus par le Ministère du Travail. Officiellement lancé le 1er janvier 2024 pour une durée de 3 ans, le projet réunit un consortium d’excellence : 17 partenaires (clusters d’entreprises, universités et organismes de formation) ainsi que 71 entreprises et autorités publiques issus de 6 pays (l’Allemagne, la Belgique, la France, le Luxembourg, les Pays-Bas et la Suisse). Notre feuille de route 2024-2026 : 🎯 La création de certifications harmonisées à l'échelle européenne : pour une mobilité des talents sans frontières 🔧 La constitution d’un réseau d’ateliers techniques de formation ainsi que d’unités mobiles : la formation au plus près des besoins 📚 La co-construction d’une offre de formations courtes de type Summer Schools et des formations de formateurs : l'innovation pédagogique au service de l'industrie Plus d'infos : https://lnkd.in/eXXteFMG #CompétencesDeDemain #Innovation #Hydrogène #FormationPro #Europe #TransitionEnergétique Steve JECKO Ugo DOUARD
📢 21 transnational project on H2 infrastructures, which have obtained the status of Projects of Common Interest (PCIs) and Projects of Mutual Interest (PMIs), will be financially supported by the European Commission, including strategic projects carried by our associated organisations: 💧 #EmilHy and #MOSAHyC in eastern Moselle (FR) and Saarland (DE) 🌉 #RHYn in the Upper Rhine area 🌊 #H2Med Congratulations to NaTran (ex GRTgaz), Creos Deutschland, GazelEnergie, Initiative Trinationale Hydrogène 3H₂, ... and all the H2 players for this important step! https://lnkd.in/dZcUw2_q
☃️ What's up in February? 📅 🏆 World Skills competition in Metz (FR) with a joint stand on hydrogen by Université de Lorraine & AFPA with >10 000 pupils 💬 Preparation meeting of our transnational 2nd Tour of Hydrogen 🛠️ 2nd TTT session in Spa/Francorchamps (BE) on H2 mobility with 10 technical trainers from Belgium, France, Germany & Luxembourg Interreg North-West Europe (NWE) Interreg Europe du Nord-Ouest - Points de contact FR Interreg NWE - Kontaktstelle Deutschland Région Grand Est