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Excited to share our latest piece on the double-edged sword of AI agents published in MIT Technology Review! 🤖 It builds on our research paper that's been making waves lately -- pretty cool to see all the attention it's getting! As these systems move beyond chat windows to navigate applications and execute complex tasks independently, we need to ask ourselves: how much control are we willing to surrender, and at what cost? In our recent op-ed, Margaret Mitchell, Avijit Ghosh, PhD, Dr. Sasha Luccioni, and I explore why the very feature being sold (reduced human oversight) is actually the primary vulnerability. When AI systems can control multiple information sources simultaneously, the potential for harm explodes exponentially. We imagine that "It wasn't me—it was my agent!!" will soon be a common refrain to excuse bad outcomes. The benefits of AI agents are undeniable, from assisting people with mobility challenges to coordinating emergency responses. But these benefits don't require surrendering complete human control. At Hugging Face, we're developing frameworks like smolagents that prioritize transparency and appropriate human oversight. Because human judgment, with all its imperfections, remains the fundamental component in ensuring these systems serve rather than subvert our interests.