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Gradio is committed to a secure, intuitive experience for every developer. Check out the full story of how we’re raising the bar for open-source ML security - Refer our case study linked here:
AI/ML security requires a unique blend of expertise that goes beyond traditional application security. We recently completed a comprehensive review of Gradio 5, a machine learning platform that helps even beginner devs easily build and share ML applications. Read the case study: Our assessment identified 27 unique vulnerabilities across Python, JavaScript, and Go codebases - all of which were remediated before release. The engagement demonstrated how AI/ML vulnerabilities differ fundamentally from conventional software bugs. Securing ML infrastructure demands deep understanding of both application security and machine learning architecture to deliver practical security controls without compromising developer and user experience. Our evaluation spanned local development environments, production deployments, and sharing infrastructure. The Gradio team's commitment to security enabled them to improve their platform's security posture while maintaining the intuitive interface that serves their growing developer community.