Ben knows what's up.
LinkedIn is a B2C gold mine and few realize it. There are 137,000,000 DAILY active users here. 50% of users have a household income of $75,000 or more!!! Why aren't more consumer brands flocking to LinkedIn? Doesn't seem like many realize (or even want to hear - more on this soon lol 👀) this for some reason. Know who DOES get it? Will Nitze and IQBAR. 📸 A quick snapshot of their presence here: LinkedIn brand account: 4,137 followers. Highly engaged. IQBAR is in the comments talking with people often, and if the brand isn't, Will sure is. Will's personal account: 49,000 followers! Daily posts (sometimes multiple) talking B2C/CPG strategy, branding, industry news, entrepreneurship, and lifting up other cool players in the space. He's in the comments but he's not in your face selling IQBAR products. He's thanking people who buy. He's having real conversations. While I'm not sure how their LinkedIn presence translates directly to business, I'm sure Will and his IQBAR brands wouldn't be building here if it wasn't working well. Other B2C brands: take note. This isn't a sponsored post, by the way. Just shouting out brands who are killing it and are early to what I think will be a gold rush.