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The pendulum is always swinging between 'best of breed' and point solutions across software categories. It has remained hard for buyers to find and evaluate options that meet their needs. To differentiate, software providers tend to resort to making promises they can't keep. They mystify their solutions with hard to understand language. Buyer research is now largely done independent of sales reps using peer networks and online resources. Sadly, the systems the world uses to evaluate software have remained as they were decades ago. A quadrant, review or executive forum presentation are imperfect representations of nuanced needs . The return on these investments cannot be quantified, but it's easier to justify a spend on something labeled 'visionary'. This has proven ineffective in industries where unbiased information is hard to access for the majority of companies that most need it. Cypher is our attempt to fix how buyers and investors make decisions, beginning with cybersecurity. Thanks to Taylor Soper and GeekWire for their writeup on our work. cc Sachin Goyal