Your desk is already set up for you !! 🥺 When you spend 13 hours a week day building together, it truly feels like we are all in the same boat, out in the middle of the ocean, sailing into the horizon, figuring out how to discover new land.
What makes it special is that everyone on the boat is fully bought in. There is no turning back. We either make it to land and build a new life or we drown, except drowning is not an option. This shared mission creates an immense sense of belonging. We are in this together, and we all have a crucial role to play. That is why we show up day in and day out. This is 🥨
We have something that a lot of early stage startups struggle to find: a real problem that negatively effects one billion people. The problem is so clear, the market is screaming for a solution, and Kikiers are already telling us “this has changed my life”. Tackling this problem is our one mission, our North Star and vision that will guide us through all the days of unknown.
This is our one and only ship. It is all or nothing and that is the kind of people we are looking to bring onboard.
If that is you, if you are desperate for a purpose that stretches far beyond yourself and want to go on a mission with people who are all in, apply below in comments.
Cheers, Toby ❤️