Today at LetzAI, we store more than 15.000 AI Image Models. Many of those are publicly available to our entire community on LetzAI V2 and V3.
But there is a problem: Many great AI Models get lost in the masses.
That's why today we're introducing the "Get Featured" page 🔥
Using "Get featured" creators and brands can now directly promote their AI Models to our community.
It's free for creators (!) and will cost 250€ per week for brands.
Brand models will receive a "Sponsored" label.
Every featured AI Model will go through a selection process and will be tested for quality by us before being added.
We've teamed up (again) with Luxembourg's best pizza place: our friends at ☁️CloudFactory ☁️, to showcase how it looks like.
To have your own AI Models featured, go to 👉