What a great overview of Constructive Bio’s tech! Wonderful video Giota Kalogirou!
Why do we use the same 20 amino acids to make synthetic proteins? 🔬 I am glad you asked! Constructive Bio is using non-canonical amino acids to create polymers that we have not come across before. It sounds complex, but it might be surprisingle simple. Imagine having to use the same 26 letters to make words. Each word, serves a specific purpose, it communicates a specific thing. But all of a sudden, you cannot say what you need to say! You realise adding a few extra letters, stealing inspo from the Nordics, maybe you come across a: ä or a ë This allows you to create a new word, that means exactly what you want to say. This is in a nutshell how our genes make proteins. They encode for 20 amino acids (letters), we mix and match them to make 1000s of different proteins (words) and these words are powerful... We need proteins for structure (like the keratin in your hair), or to carry things (like the heamoglobin carrying oxygen in your blood), but we also need proteins to signal things (like the GLP-1 in your stomach that signals you are full to your brain)! Creating proteins de-novo could allow us to create new drugs but also could allow us to turn cells into little green factories 🧫 , making proteins that we can use as alternative materials! Meet the founders and team behind this incredible company: Ola (Aleksandra) Wlodek, Prof Jason Chin, Faye Rodgers, Andre Pulschen, Dionysis Grigoriadis, Tomás Kappes Reveco, PhD, Bill Eldridge and more. #biotech #techbio #proteins #syntheticbio #deeptech #startup #advancedmaterials