Who we are
Project 150 is a 501(c)3 non-profit charitable organization that was formed in December, 2011 when the founders heard about 150 homeless high school students at Rancho High School in Las Vegas that were in need of support over the Christmas Break. The effort has expanded to helping over 6,800 in 75 high schools when it was understood that the problems these students faced were prevalent across the valley.
Will you help us?
Project 150 currently serves more than 6,800 high school students in need. 3,300 registered homeless and 3,500 non-registered homeless, displaced and disadvantaged high school students at 75 high schools in Southern Nevada. Additionally Project 150 serves students in need at 20 high schools in Reno, NV. High School is Tough Enough without having to worry about where you are going to sleep at night. Project 150 was created out of our community’s desire to help these kids. Our mission is to offer support and services to these homeless high school students so they have what they need to continue school and be successful in life.
Get Involved!
Donate Items
Help Financially
100% of your financial donations go towards helping homeless high school students
Project 150 Brady Caipa Volunteer Center
3600 N. Rancho Drive, Las Vegas, NV 89130
(702) 721-7150
Brady Caipa Volunteer Center Open Mon – Fri 9am to 6pm
Betty’s Boutiques Open Monday-Friday 1:00pm-6:00pm
(Free to high school students with student ID)
Donations are accepted at the Project 150 Brady Caipa Volunteer Center on weekdays from 9am-5pm.
Non-profit Organizations
Company size
2-10 employees
Las Vegas, Nevada
homeless teens, homeless, displaced & disadvantaged high school students, Providing basic needs, and working with schools and other organizations